
Of course, I’d say that perhaps narcissists were the ones who told us to celebrate narcissism—Ayn Rand strongly comes to mind—and we just blithely followed along, because they looked “confident” and “strong,” then called those who wouldn’t go along “weak traitors,” which was accepted uncritically. They are masters of

Regarding “Look at Who’s in Charge,” all of those points are basically facets of the same problem—narcissism. Narcissists are very good at spotting and exploiting weakness, because they cannot handle people who are assertive and self-confident. “Special powers” goes hand-in-hand with grandiose thinking, while

A more rounded answer to this is that Boomers inflicted heavy economic inequality even within their own ranks. Some, indeed, have had an easy life with no loans, cheap houses when they had to purchase them, easy employment with high pay and a golden parachute on their way out with high home valuations come time to

I have to wonder if some of the damage won’t be so easy to backtrack on, though. Both Canada and Mexico have extensive trade deals with other countries, including a new EU trade deal in Canada. Even before Trump, the U.S. has been seen as an increasingly erratic trade partner, but now with Trump, I have to wonder if

I wonder if this car will make its way to Canada eventually, considering the Canada-EU free trade agreement signed last year.

True, so automakers make them shit, so you buy a more expensive car that gives them higher profit margins. What are you going to do as an American, not drive? In Europe, though, that’s exactly what people would do, between having access to an extensive rail network and cheap flights—and, on a more downside for car

It’s partly the universities and partly the states. States have been cutting the amount of money they provide to state colleges and universities for ages now, which the schools have made up with tuition hikes. It’s been a race to the bottom for decades; Trump and DeVos, never to be outdone by their predecessors,

There’s an app for iOS and Android called “ChineseSkill” that is very Duolingo-like in its interface, and people have given it very good reviews. You might want to check it out.

Caveat emptor—it’s a beta release, and so there are likely to be a bunch of errors and other growing pains. If you don’t have patience for that kind of stuff, then you might want to wait a few weeks or months while others deal with the bugs.

Ironically, though, what this kid did was entirely in the spirit of Aquinas (author of “Summa Theologica”). While he’s arguably the most important theologian in Catholicism, Aquinas’ work was a huge departure from previous Augustinian theology, culminating in a 50-year official condemnation of his work after his

Probably a combination of genetics, upbringing, education and socialization. I mention the former, though, because I was just reading today about child psychopaths. Some people just really lose out on the genetics lottery no matter how good their upbringing is, but most of us are the sum of our life experiences.

This is part of the fun of electing a narcissist as president. Aside from all the bravado and machismo, behind the curtains, all there really exists is an emotionally immature man-child that craves drama, because it ultimately means he’s still the center of attention.

It’s not a question of choosing one or the other; it’s a question of understanding. I believe you’re sincere, but I have to wonder by some of your statements if you don’t have a full picture of what feminism is. I think it might benefit your perspective on men’s rights if you have a greater perspective on feminism.

If I were to offer a suggestion, if you have the time, patience and inclination, read a bit about feminism over time and listen to what women have to say about it for a while. Feminism and feminists are not a monolith, and no movement is perfect, but at the same time, I’ve learned to look past angry and provocative

The kind of people who advocate for these issues tend to have a “colorful” past, to say the least, which is why I say that those who care about men’s issues should stay away from MRAs. Nobody who has a history of inflammatory anti-feminism is going to be taken seriously in today’s society and rightfully so.

Again, what differentiates between an advocate for men’s issues and a “MRA” is that a MRA is apt to blame “feminism” for all their woes. And so in that lens, what is stopping men from creating male-friendly spaces for suicide prevention? A common barrier is that it is considered “un-masculine” for men to talk about

There’s a difference between caring about men’s issues and being a “MRA”—the latter has a very specific, anti-feminist history, whether you think that is deserved or not. If you choose to hitch your wagon to that label, you’re going to have to deal with all the crap that goes along with it.