
I fully expect it would be persistent, because America, in general, is not creating good jobs anymore—especially in rural areas. Consider it a consequence of technology, globalization and free trade perhaps, but it’s the reality we have to deal with today.

It’s so libertarian that state spending approaches nearly 40% of the entire economy.

They can certainly give you a lot of hassles and scrutiny, but they basically have to let U.S. citizens in.

There are so many elections where the Michigan Democratic Party fronts a weak gubernatorial candidate and basically hands the election to the GOP. Combine this with how Snyder ran as a reform-minded moderate Republican in a long-downtrodden state, and his election isn’t that hard to fathom.

The best response to a Kardashian seeking attention is no response. Nobody wins arguing with them.

Except I’m guessing the same types of religious conservatives that hate abortion also hate contraception. They still live in a world of rigid gender roles and religious rules—men and women don’t have sex until marriage, then have as many kids as the woman can pop out, which the woman then takes care of, because women

I find myself wondering if there are people out there who don’t drink/rarely drink completely out of ambivalence? That kind of fits the bill with me. No health/addiction/moral objections to it at all; it just doesn’t do much for me, especially as I get older.

I’m a Bernie supporter all the way, so I feel the frustration, but let’s be real here: Hillary will be leaps and bounds better than a “President Trump.” At least put it this way: at worst, Hillary will indeed do nothing, but at worst, Trump will wreak real havoc. Hell, we’re still picking up the pieces from the Reagan

I always do my part to vote, so I hear you, but I find it hard to be optimistic even with this prospect. Obama had a Democratic-majority legislature for his first two years in office, and still nothing got done. I swear Democrats enjoy being on the defensive.

You have to remember that face transplants were criticized as “unnecessary” by the medical community not all that long ago, since it was seen as a cosmetic procedure. Anti-rejection drugs themselves come with a bunch of risks, not only that the transplanted organ will fail, but also including an increased risk of

There are still a lot of conservative Christians who believe that God prescribes rigid gender roles. The thing is, it’s easy for these people to appeal to the public’s prejudices, but I’m not sure the public truly understands the kind of worldview these organizations would like to impose on everyone if they had the

To be fair, I get flyers like that even from politicians I wholeheartedly support, and they still end up in the recycling bin. I mean, what am I supposed to do with it?

Interestingly enough, it still exists, just under a different name; and as you might expect, they still hate every film you like.

The American Midwest has a noticeably lower cost of living than the coasts (and, of course, they’re generally paid less accordingly). $25 per person doesn’t seem all that out of line for that part of the country.

Welcome to the “Southern Strategy.” All of this rhetoric is coded language to try and prevent the black community from voting.

Your story here reminds me that I lost a dog on 9/11, of all days. She was old and died peacefully on her own, but still...9/11/2001, talk about having a lot of emotions to process on a single day.

Someone wanting to move way too fast is a gigantic warning to run all by itself.

I feel like Hollywood does everyone a disservice by making people think toxic relationships are normal; that if we only “love hard enough” and “work hard enough,” every relationship can have that “happily ever after.”

Yup...“narcissism” came to mind immediately when I started reading this article. He’s furious, because she had the gall to reject him first before he could reject her—“narcissistic injury” can be very dangerous. And honestly, he would absolutely have left her eventually, because narcissists are never happy and

I feel like “Bowie nostalgia” ends at “Labyrinth”—and, for a lot of older millennials, that’s the extent of their exposure to him. Younger millennials weren’t born yet, though, so don’t really feel anything for him. From the perspective of most critics, Bowie’s golden era of music ended at “Scary Monsters,” which is