
Two minutes later, Mr. Angry Chef comes barreling out of the back and demands to know why the fuck I’ve put in a well-done venison order.

Some of you might find this whole scenario to be quite preposterous, and I think most Americans probably only have positive feelings about Canada, but this plays right into long-running Canadian paranoia. It’s worth mentioning that even Canada’s existence came about because of the Alaska Purchase in 1867; there were

This room reminds me of “The Narthex” in FF13, probably my favorite spot in the game to just gawk at.

This is all I could picture while reading these. Love these stories...keep ‘em coming!

I think a lot of this is culturally determined too, though. North America—especially the U.S.—values extroversion to the point that introverts are almost seen as “defective” somehow, whereas introversion is much more the norm in other countries to the point that “American extroversion” comes across as obnoxious or

Hah...I know I’m not saying anything here that hasn’t been said by someone else, but I really love these graphics. They always bring a smile to an otherwise routine day!

I’m from the U.S., but now live in Canada. Compared to the U.S., Canada really does have fewer buying options. I used to get very particular about the brand and style I wanted, then could order it online with ease. Now? More often than not, when I discover something I’m interested in, the sites I visit only ship from

Driving to another country for a beta code is bad.

Like “Oh yes, I’m brown, but he’s browner” kinda bullshit. :/

Heh...I was just reading about the “Commonwealth invasion” of Hollywood (not the term they used, but with all these actors coming from the UK, Canada and Australia, it’s an apt description). I have to wonder exactly what it is; is it because there are well-connected foreigners in high places? Louis B. Mayer was

I hate to slap a label on it, but this is classic narcissistic behavior—they “ghost” because they only see others as objects for their own use, and if you don’t play your part in their head, they discard. They use this silence as a form of punishment and control, then come back if they think they can still manipulate

I’ve had it happen to me a couple of times, and it sucks. After the last time it happened, I took a good look at the situation and in the mirror; I’m not perfect, but I also feel like I was drawn to the wrong kind of people. Ultimately, the way I look at it now, I’m better off without these kind of horrible people in

It’s been a rocky 15 years, but I have to hope SE is finally getting its act together. I guess we’ll see if that’s actually the case if these games come out in the next couple of years—or as a PS5 demo in 2025.

I actually have that soundtrack on my phone right now. Guess what I’ll be listening to today?

If we’re lucky, maybe we’ll get a PS5 demo in in 2024?

No mask, no gun, no threat. The banks did what he asked because that’s what they’re supposed to do.

Unexpected medical expenses:

If you honestly believe that Canada has the same economic muscle as, say, the U.S. or China, then who am I to interfere with your magical thinking? You are “Exhibit A” when I said Canadians were prone to knee-jerk anti-Americanism and self-righteous crusading. By all objective figures, the U.S. is still the largest

Fuck the fuck off, disingenuous twat.

Per capita GDP is great and all—it’s just that doesn’t really matter when the U.S.’ nominal GDP can just steamroll over Canada and much of the world when push comes to shove. It’s not Canada’s fault.