
The cost for most people of a body fat percentage so low is that makes their face look haggard, and catapults them a decade or more older.

It's amazing how many cars I've seen with expired tags on the road. Hell, I remember I saw a car with tags that had expired close to five years prior. I guess it's just a numbers game and a question of whether you're feeling lucky today?

I’ve been playing this the last two days now, and I feel that it’s absolutely perfect. It feels like the kind of 8-bit “Metroid” game that previously only existed in your dreams. At least in terms of “personality,” let’s not forget that the original NES “Metroid” was pretty low on personality too, but I like that; a

My gym is two rooms in a basement it shares with a barbershop, but it has weights and racks, is near my house, and costs $30 a month. Don't up-sell yourself; you barely know what to do with the things it does have.

For the record, I agree what what you're saying here, but I'm going to go on a bit of a tangent—

Yeah, this is kind of the case with everyone, especially if you're over 30. It basically requires perfect discipline to get to a low body fat percentage, and that's not always easy to achieve.

I try not to listen to people too much. I think a lot of people start to feel threatened when anyone is outside "the norm"; if you're "too fat," then you're "lazy," and if you're "too fit," then you have "poor self image." The same goes for those who are "too stupid" or "too smart." But it's not really about you in

I'm not so "annoyed" as much as it makes me chuckle just how much people have normalized junk food into their daily diet. That's not to say that I never have any myself, but seriously, it seems like processed junk make up the majority of people's diets today; and once you start eating better, it becomes all the more

I'm an American living abroad. It helps to have a larger perspective.

If it makes you feel better, American food in general is pretty terrible in the global hierarchy. Lots of processed junk/salt/fat/high-fructose corn syrup dressed up as "food"—NYC/the Northeast included.

For what it's worth, I never found the Great Lakes region of the Midwest to be overly passive-aggressive, but then who knows if my experience is representative of everyone else's. I know Minnesota is bad for this behavior (and also Canada).

These are good tips, but I also think it would be worthwhile to teach people how to spot narcissists and psychopaths. These people have natural charm and can light up a room at first meeting, but they really are master manipulators that will suck the life out of you (or your organization) if you give them a chance.

I was just about to post the same thing. A classic!

Technically speaking, it's actually possible. The chickenpox vaccine contains a weakened, but live virus and it is considered possible for this virus to then go dormant in the body, thus potentially causing shingles later than life. However, the research also suggests that these cases are considerably milder than

Well, the good news is that repeated cases of shingles, although possible, are actually considered to be rare. I probably got a decent immunity boost after my case, especially since I didn't take any antivirals for it. It's something I'll have a chat about with my doctor as I get older.

Yeah, the chickenpox vaccine became a thing in the mid-1990s. I wish it had been an option before I got it as a kid in the early 1990s, because unlike most childhood diseases, once you get infected with the chickenpox virus, you always have it—just like herpes. The virus lies dormant, and can manifest itself as

Nah...he's not unusually muscular for someone his height and fitness level.

I'm as pro-vaccine as it gets, but chiropractors have their place when the alternative is either surgery fraught with potential lifetime complications or a pain medicine addiction. The fact is that they do work for people, but they don't work for every problem and aren't miracle workers any more than conventional

I've always loved animation, but the cons (long hours, unstable/sadistic employers) are just too much for me. I work on it casually for my own amusement instead. Maybe future generations will have the good sense to unionize.