
There's a brief period around the release of any successful game where people/the media like to call similar games "###-alike" or "###-clone"

For instance "Doom-clone"

The Uncharted series is a highlight of the genre, so games that follow that genre and happen to have polish/look promising will be likened to Uncharted

I've been tempted for a very long time to get the books. I have near enough everything else...just never grabbed the books.

Yeah, I'm changing fields and heading back to University soon.

The volunteering I do now is to gain experience in the area that I'll be retraining for.

Nope, not funny.

The pretend attacks on both of them is in poor taste, and having been unemployed now for almost 3 years despite training, volunteering, etc...I'd be amazingly pissed off to think I have an interview and then this happens.

Pretty shitty all round.

Ah, I didn't know that. That's very odd...

They sort of did...the previous 4 games did keep on hinting at Dragons, and it wasn't until Skyrim that we actually got them :p

Technically, yes.

He hadn't gone through any of the rights of passage, and wasn't an official member of the order, but he was raised by one to be one...much like Altair and Ezio before they went through the rights of passage.

Yes. Yes, that would be a perfect name.

We just call him Captain Canada though.

Sorry for the piss poor quality of this image, but yeah...just felt like sharing. This Hydra soldier being punched by Cap as he rushes to catch the plane?

That's my friend Simon.

In one of the takes for this scene, Chris Evans actually lamped him right in the face.

Yeah, I think the AC series is great for either people that don't care about the plot, or care a lot about the plot...but the people that fit in the middle, that find it interesting on the surface are going to end up not caring for a game where you side with the Templars.

Unless of course it gets rave reviews and has perfectly aware of things like this...

Yeah, the tutorial for AC3 was definitely something I disliked...but then, I dislike tutorials in most games.

It was similar to how AC1 dealt with it though...Altair was fully equipped at the start of AC1, then knocked down to the lowest level, and had to build himself up again.

I think the bit with Haytham was great

It's thought that the Templar and Assassin orders rose from Cain and Abel, as hinted at in AC2 (or is it brotherhood...I forget).

Adam & Eve were half human, half "those who came before" which is where their enhanced abilities came from (Eagle Vision, extra agility, etc). Their sons inherited these traits, and those

More of a gap filler between AC4 and AC3.

Remember that AC4, timeline wise, comes before the events of AC3.

For both Adewale and Haytham to be in the game, it sort of has to land somewhere between the two games.

Haytham was an Assassin before he became a Templar, and I think he mentions briefly at the start of AC3 that

Both Connor and Edward are Assassin's by the end of the game. It's more about their journey to becoming those assassin's that's important, with the major subplot for both of them focusing on how the order works, and how it has crumbled since Ezio died.

And I liked the intro with Haytham...he was an assassin, but he

I know people probably aren't interested in this (Something something Michael Bay, something something big explosions, something something Transformers ruined childhood), but I think this could be quite entertaining.

Didn't the creator/team just make $2 Billion out of the sale?

Sure, not all of that is for their pockets, but a large amount of it must be...flop or not, the creators will do alright.

Same for all the Halo trailers. Never been a huge fan of the games, but I absolutely adore their adverts.

This was pretty boring until the "heist" actually started. But when it started, hilarity ensued.