
Hah, yes.

Although that didn't bother me so much.

With the purple of Blood Dragon, I just had difficulty discerning one object from another.

Ah, but it's not purple everywhere.

But odd...that's's usually William Birkin in his first form...

I dunno. I wanted to like it so much...but the purple...absolutely everywhere...made it hard for me to play.

I can see why others like it though.

I am aware of this, but sort of goes against my point I guess.

Either way, I'm simply answering the person above me.

They're saying that, in their opinion, DLC is the opportunity to do something completely and utterly unrelated to the main game.

The King Washington DLC, for instance, or even Blood Dragon for Far Cry 3.

They're saying that it's a shame, and a missed opportunity, that this piece of DLC is just a story set within the

Most of those should have little to no consequences for the second season though, given decisions mostly revolved around the main cast...

Yeah, Liberation, Golden Abyss, and Killzone are pretty much the 3 games I want a Vita for.

With Liberation out of the picture now, I have little reason to adopt one at the moment.

It'd be nice if some small things were carried over though.

The ultimate fate of Lilly and Molly, for instance. While not overly based on decisions made throughout the series, the way they act toward Clementine could be different depending on how they were treated.

There's also the possibility of Kenny still being

That was terrible... (in my opinion)

The Ace Attorney games aren't set in Japan. It gives strong indication that they're set in America...but everything within the game (the people, the places, the interests) are all quite Japanese.

So that's the joke.

I loved this game when it came out. Wrote a review for it for my college magazine.

I happened to find a Collector's Edition of the game a few months back in Poundland. Brand new, sealed, mint condition...£1.

Immediate purchase :p

It sort of reminds me of Dynasty Warriors...and I'm not entirely certain why.

Either way, this does make me wish they did a console version that was done in the style of Dynasty Warriors, but with Titans instead of large numbers of enemies.

It'd be pretty spectacular to unlock all the AoT characters and play through


I know that life can live in the most heavily radiated areas on earth, and the most inhospitable...but my point is that we've never seen anything of the scale that Fallout deals with, nor the advanced state of the nuclear systems they used.

While life would certainly be around (and clearly is, otherwise the games

Have you completed it before?

That wasn't really all that bloody...especially compared to the crap that happens throughout season 1.

But still...holy shit it's almost here, I want it so bad.

I only completed season 1 a couple of days ago (including 400 Days), and wanted to curl into a ball and cry for a very good, but so very depressing.

I sat down and completed it the other day, having been in a similar situation to yourself.

It really is worth it.

That sucks :/

Thing is, we don't quite know the effects of a full scale global nuclear war.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki are fairly small scale, and they were fairly weak bombs, but Fallout is taking lace in a universe where nuclear technology accelerated very the point where they could power cars with tiny nuclear reactors

That would work well for GoT character deaths, but I'm talking about specific scenes that will eventually happen in The Hobbit.

I'm trying to avoid spoilers for the sake of those that haven't touched the book though.

I hope this succeeds, I really do. It looks fun, and interesting.

But the moment they revealed the subscription model, I could no longer keep myself interested. I cannot justify a monthly payment for the game. I'd like to, and if I ever get a little more money, I probably will...but not at the moment, sadly.