“... and, yes, there were some people that didn’t like it, and as is the world we live in, those who didn’t like it were the most vociferous”
“... and, yes, there were some people that didn’t like it, and as is the world we live in, those who didn’t like it were the most vociferous”
“In time you’ll drop dead and I’ll come to your funeral in a red dress” is one of those lines that I’ve always secretly longed for the opportunity to use in real life. One day...
Don’t forget Zeal Monachorum...
I’m so frazzled this afternoon that literally the only thing I took from this is ‘There is a human person called Darlene Superville!'
Don’t I know it. I made one joke, one time, to wind up my friend about being the only person in his family without a mattress named after them, and mattresses stalked me around the internet for months...
Oh, fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
This whole anecdote neatly sums him up...
He messes his hair up on purpose before appearing in public. It’s a deliberate, disingenuous thing to play up the idea of Boris the amusing buffoon.
I’ve also definitely seen interviews with Tan where he’s talked about having to tone down some British tendencies for the show - like, recognising that the tone is more earnest and less sarcastic than the average British person might be.
I’m fascinated by this discussion because in the UK, surrogacy is essentially altruistic - broadly speaking, expenses are paid but not compensation.
I find epigenetics - in particular, the idea that gene expression is influenced by the gestational environment - super-interesting in terms of how it’s presented in different circumstances. As someone using an egg donor, you hear people bang on about it all the time: “Even though your baby won’t have your DNA, the…
I didn’t find the show as a whole to be particularly dimly lit. But there are some scenes where it’s specifically supposed to be dark and where nobody really knows what the hell is going on - mainly in the first episode - so it's probably more about the context.
Also, incidentally, last time someone turned out with an actual Dalek, with a wig stuck on top and a very long red tie...
Here you go!
I have taken the day off tomorrow to head to London for the protest, and I’ll be taking my Trump Dalek banner (which went down quite well last time). It depicts him as an orange Dalek, with gold for all the twiddly bits and stupid yellow hair perched on top. And I appliquéd the motherfucker, because I didn't think I…
There’s a really interesting weekly podcast about each episode and they said, basically, they tried it with vaguely Russian accents and it was... not good. And they concluded that basically, they couldn’t use Americans to play Soviet characters, because that would pull American audiences too much out of believing in…
I am completely obsessed with Chernobyl. I just keep watching the episodes over and over. It's extraordinary.
The argument I’ve yet to see people go with, which I’d be interested to know how they’d respond to, is: what about the people who are only alive BECAUSE their mothers had a prior abortion?
“This seems to fit with the vibe of the family, which is sort of straightforward and sporty”
Also, adoption is a way to find children the families they need. It is not a way to find children for families. It can be an absolutely fantastic way of creating new families or growing existing ones, don’t get me wrong -but the way people link it with infertility really pisses me off. It treats children in need of a…