The secret ingredient is phone

But the characters on Bones have also grown (with slips now & again). Dad is mostly now a granddad, unless you mess w/ his family.

Probably second for me. Iron Bull saying that a Qunari phrase translates to "I will bring myself sexual pleasure later, while thinking about this with great respect." is still #1 to me.

It gets better and then it gets worse again. Seasons 2-5 or so are great.

Protestors: We are worried about police violence against young men of color.

It gets much better. The Andy character specifically evolves from douche to hilarious.

Start with season 2! That is what a friend told me to do so I did. After I got through season 5, I went back and watched season 1. Even though I LOVED the show by that point, season 1 was still really really difficult to watch.

Every story about a man struggling with his dark side ever.


The first episodes are the worst! GET TO SEASON 2!

Yeh, it's definitely just my opinion on the matter. I most definitely agree with you with getting more and better information with just that little extra step (seriously, do it all the time), but I treat Steam as a dashboard akin to that of an XB1 or PS4.

Yes! It get so much, fantastically better! I would chalk most/half/all (ymmv) to that awkward adolescence that TV shows go through in their first season, where you can tell something amazing is going on under the surface but it hasn't quite found its groove.

Start with season 2, and once you've gone through all the rest of the show, you can go back to season one if you want. You won't be missing anything critical, really, and season one was very much a "finding your footing" season. Season 2 is where it took off and became a different show than "The Office."

I actually…

It gets so so so so so so so so much better. They totally rewrite Amy Poehler's character—changing her into one of the most lovable characters on TV. The show becomes so warm and positive and quirky, and the cast is a joy.

I was about to say, twitch and even youtube is just a browser tab away from any online store...

You can, in a sense, have both steam and a browser side by side to do what the XB1 is doing, but it's mainly the whole flow that makes me agree with Stephen here.

Harrison Ford as Mike Tetris.