The secret ingredient is phone

Millar is a hack who they should have never given the task of writing this cast of characters. it just reeks of all of his worst ideas. rape, pop culture references, and completely destroying the core of the characters that Ellis has developed...bleh. the first three stories are pretty good. the Millar run is just god

I'm guessing the reward for each question was reduced by roughly 20% as well.

So... just how long can you hold your breath on Mars anyways?

Oh! Speaking of Warren Ellis, have you read Planetary?

It's stiff competition.

Ugh... thanks for reminding me how much I hate Frank Quitely's art.

Post-Ellis Authority was a trainwreck. it had some moments, but eughh.

I loved the Ellis/Hitch issues. Jenny Sparks is one of my favorite characters.

Dexter: All the Poor Writing, None of the Good Acting.

That seems right IIRC. But if I had to pick "the" Authority moment, it'd have to be Jenny telling off God followed by her final words to her team. Still try and re-read that particular trade once a year.

I liked Ellis's run more than Millar's, but this was a great moment. I'll give you that.

I know this is a tired joke but "Does it fix the boring gameplay!!"

"Looking good" was never Ryse's problem....

so does that mean RYSE is actually a better game at 60fps or does it just look prettier?

To be totally fair, he might have been thinking about birds or maybe turtles.

Steve Jobs knew about periods. Tim Cook only knows about "periods of performance."

I kind of wish this game didn't have to pedestrians. Sometimes I just want to play a game with leaving a virtual graveyard of people or creatures.

Has he harassed them over where baby iPhones are born, too?