The secret ingredient is phone

Okay, I'm really concerned about her. All the VH1 "therapy/rehab" shows have truly terrible track records when dealing with domestic violence (see Dr. Drew encouraging Tom Sizemore to gaslight Heidi Fleiss and accuse her of not wanting to Tom to get better.) Couples therapy is NOT a recommended clinical intervention

My mom called me last night to talk to me about the shoot. Unbeknownst to her, she played a small part in this travesty. She is a member of the Virginia Woolf Society, and a Vice staff member contacted her to ask some questions about how Woolf died. My mother gave the writer quite a lot of info, dispelled some of the

"Sometimes she mocks my velociraptor impression and it makes me really sad because I'm a good velociraptor."

I don't know, this is totally failing to get my hackles up. Are they supposed to be up? Because just replace "girlfriend" with "boyfriend" or "significant other of whichever gender and sexual persuasion you happen to prefer" and it's like...yeah, most of that shit is pretty annoying.

Not sure that's going to fly in Europe, though... they're getting legal rulings that digitally-sold games must be re-sellable.

I prefer to paraphrase Game of Thrones: "1983 is coming."

As a dedicated PC gamer (watching the console wars from the sidelines), all I can say to that is "where's the problem?" Well, the problem is that I don't think Sony's the most trustworthy bunch of rogues out there, but that's why I let Valve handle the backend while I just play games.

The PR machine never stops...

Good news, project spark is coming to PC

Now now let's not blame the DRM on the drowning out of interesting games. Let's blame it on the horrible grade-school acting. The guys playing that Spark game just need to please die with all of those Rock names they gave to the fucking rock.

Big has nothing to do with it. I have a relative who's a former SEAL. He's 5' 2''.

I should do a Teacherspin to counter all these Dadspin posts.

Reasons why women live longer:

Haha. Well, this is a troll thread. But you kinda....I mean, this is all hollywood-level actors/writers/directors with new graphics. Which was mostly my original point until I was informed that it was actually pointless.

However, you can't really cite Tron. Unless you're talking about "soulless" cgi for the recent

... Imma say it:


Nice Pop n' Lock, Old Sport.

THAT'S IT! Holy mother of everything- I knew he was a teevee cop. I figured law and Order-I watch the crap out of Law and Order, that must be where I know him from (and IMDB says yes) but OMG- he's the FBI agent that was chasing Sam and Dean and was trapped in the police station when Lilith went nuts! You are my hero

Same here. I mostly just drove myself nuts trying to figure out where I had seen the dad before. I didn't even think about the crazies, until the crazies came out to play.