The secret ingredient is phone

All hail Booben.


I miss that show.

But, like, that’s what you have sports for. Believe me, you really don’t want Faux News.

After the season one reveal that Tanikaze is essentially Wolverine, it seems like we’re not going to escape him being subjected to constant physical abuse, because “he can take it.”

What a waste of a perfectly good hat.

Hey now, no one said he couldn’t have an opinion on the internet. But having an opinion on the internet doesn’t mean other people on the internet don’t get to tell them how stupid they think that opinion is.


Lol. That is all.

Given that juries are often comprised of people who couldn't figure out how to get out of jury duty, that’s pretty much what juries are anyways.

There’s something to be said about any artist who’s name is a weed reference, I don’t know what it is, but there you have it.

I do believe it does go both ways, and the question is like “you or anyone you know committed or been the victim of...” Which, still, kinda sucks. “Jury of your peers” is supposed to be a reliable cross section of American citizens, guess what, a cross section of American citizens includes people who have been raped.

I don’t play Destiny so maybe I just don’t understand but, my brain broke at “Collectors Edition Expansion.”

It likely has a bit to do with societal constructs of masculinity I’d wager. Nurturing isn’t as “masculine,” so when a male wants to show care they do it in the way they feel is “allowed,” ie: silliness.

Isn’t that a declaration of war?


That’s the super messed up thing here, there could be a kernel of truth there but... it’s going to be so much harder because of all of this. >.<

This is like those comedy episodes where someone starts with a little white lie but then to maintain it continues to spiral out of control until everything they say and do is a lie, each more egregious than the last.