The secret ingredient is phone

Not really, 13 years ago she sued for discrimination because she claims she didn’t get a job because she was white. Also she plagiarized her artwork in school. This rabbit hole of lies goes deep.

Also, Deadspin has Magary’s “why your children’s television programming sucks” which I find hilarious.


Hey now, hey now. Let's give the easily confused old man a break and let him get back to interpreting the highest laws in the U.S.

I’m still at the “WAT” stage. I’ll get to BRUH eventually with this story.

Every week, reading these stories, I silently hope that the subjects of these stories somehow, somewhen, read these and reflect on what horrible people they are. I know it’s low likelihood, but dang, I’d really love to see their reactions.

Clash of Clans is better, and Liam Neeson shills for them lol.

Lol religion.

So refunds were almost impossible before, and now they are possible. No shit the “statistics” are going show an uptick when you compare now to then. Buyers can now do a thing they couldn't, the statistics show them doing that thing

Oddly enough, as awesome as what that boss did, I get kinda a Dexter vibe outa the whole “straight laced tucked in polo” guy immediately knowing how to get someone out of getting arrested for fleeing from the cops.

Faux-Carjacking Boss is Best Boss.

All the writers involved with that voyager episode agreed that that episode was so bad that they will consider that episode non-canon. It is essentially non canon with all of Star Trek.

He could always post those poop stories he keeps asking people not to send.

At least now he editorializes warnings against it, as a footnote basically. Pinkham has some issues to say the least.

One month, I can wait one month more...

SoM applied it to combat in rather fun ways, I thought it was pretty neat how when you parry two different attacks within quick succession, the first is parried/riposted by Talion, while the second is counterattacked by Celebrimbor’s spirit wrenching itself out of Talion’s body momentarily. Very cool looking effect.

Oh I know, I’ve been watching them, I just mean that by the time I got Hulu to watch it through from the beginning, I figured out that I’d seen about 60-70% of all of her skits on YouTube already.

After I watched like, all of the Inside Amy Schumer clips on YouTube, I finally broke down and got a Hulu subscription. Bonus is that now I can also watch Key & Peele and Bobs Burgers, downside is that I’ve pretty much seen all of the first 2 seasons of IAS via YouTube clips.

Yeah, it’d be nicer to be able to find, like I said, like Leo’s mini-reviews too aren’t under the tag either (for that matter I don’t think I’ve seen a Leo Takes a Look in a while =/)