On the other hand, there aren't many of them in *front* of the camera in this one.
On the other hand, there aren't many of them in *front* of the camera in this one.
I noticed that too. Weird.
I think it's the telescope effect. The larger the magnification, the closer distant objects seem to be to each other, and that makes the more distant objects really loom.
I really enjoyed it and thought it showed great promise.
True, but I doubt that Mars will be a good place to live out your life by 2023.
Well, don't read them, then. :) Just because an author has written a lot of stuff that is considered "classic" doesn't mean you must *like* him or her.
Isn't that image turned on its side? The goat pupils I've seen were horizontal.
And the international versions also contain really badly auto-translated text that any reasonably literate native speaker of the language should immediately become suspicious of, so that's an added insanity.
the "Male Man of Hackney"
Thanks for the Beefheart! Long time no hear.
In case of image fail: [www.theatheistpig.com]
Freckles and red hair are gorgeous. I've dyed my hair red on numerous occasions, but freckles are much harder to acquire. *sob*
You should read Jane Austen instead. Her books are brilliant and funny and I reread them regularly.
Very commendable. I do it far too much. It's a bit of a condition, I suspect. :\
Aw, super cool! It's a loft bed, though, not a bunk bed. A bunk bed is two beds stacked on top of each other.
I'm really sad that I missed the film in the cinema. They took it off the schedule far too quickly. Now I have to wait for the DVD.