I used to have nightmares as a kid about giant killer robots. No, really. I still find them very creepy.
I saw the film last Saturday and yes, it did look pretty damn good. It was also pretty damn funny.
the quaint Margaret Atwood
In short: We should be very careful with our assumptions.
What's wrong with tights? On the right kind of male body, they are deliciously revealing.
Well said. Why assume class stratification in ancient stone age cultures when more contemporary stone age cultures don't tend that way? Difference in status, sure, but that is not the same thing.
The adze is the new (or possibly the old) MacGuffin.
I think you have a point. Also, there is a difference between analysing why you love something in order to explain it to others, and justifying why you enjoy something that you somehow feel you shouldn't.
No, not true red. I'd interpret 'bronze hair' as a warm, dark golden colour. Perhaps with just a hint of reddish in it when it's in sunlight. But not like copper, which seems to be what most people think that bronze looks like. But what do we know — perhaps Suzanne Collins confuses bronze with copper too...
I'm not sure I agree with 'more literary' being the same as 'more deserving of love'. Or that the 'literary' qualities of the new run are much to write home about, for that matter. Also, if Nussbaum thinks that OldWho had a predominantly 'British-colonialist view', she hasn't seen much of it. The Doctor is long-known…
This. I love NuWho, but I don't think the 'literary qualities' (especially of the Davies run) were all that much to write home about. The main improvements over the old series are the episodic format and the budget/visual quality.
I commend your analysis, sir/madam.
Do you wear a watch? I didn't, for years, and when I finally had to get one, I got a pocket watch and hung it round my neck, which means I have to actively fish it out, turn it around and open it, to see what time it is. Because of this, I don't look at it unless I have to. I find that not having the habit of glancing…
Yeah, he should study drummers.
No, it's not just you. Probably a bit of wishful thinking going on there. Or the opposite, possibly. :)
He's not talking about making a series at all.