
"Don't try to be a great man ... just be a man. Let history make its own judgments."

One entymologist, Henry Hsiao

Then you'll get retinal damage. Sunglasses are not enough protection for looking directly at the sun. I've heard that you can look through the film of an old fashioned floppy disc, but I'm not sure that's enough to protect your eyes either. Really heavy-duty maximum protection welding goggles are required, or special

To be fair, they'd probably think the same about you. :)

On Hulk's day off, he... is Bruce.

Is Charlie so Coollike because he yawns?

I agree, they're gorgeous. They'd probably throw a pretty big shadow, though, making the streets below darker.

This is the darkest timeline.

I smell a Cessare et Desistere! spell thrown their way pretty soon.

Well, since a ministry is a government department, it would have to be an international government. I've always read it as the magical national parallel to the British government, though.

OTOH, the Doctor is probably real good chums with Yoda.

I think the Eleventh Doctor has some excellent echoes of the Second and Fourth and Fifth Doctors that seem hugely canonical to me. He embodies some of my favourite traits from some of my favourite Doctors.

"Defiance" looks pretty sci-fi to me. But you're right about most of the others.

I threw in the towel with Grimm after three eps as well. Do you mean to say that it got better?

Giant ion plasma zoom?

Or some kind of aircraft that can, I don't know, hover in the air or something? And is required by air safety regulations to have lights?

The Family Tree by Sheri S. Tepper.

I was just checking to see if anyone had suggested that one. :)

But... Windows developers are hardly omniscient and omnipotent. Unless I have missed out on some really important facts.

There was an article referenced here on io9 not too long ago that had found that the jaws of hunter-gatherers were generally bigger than those of agricultural peoples, while the teeth were all more or less the same size. Apparently the size of our teeth is genetically programmed and doesn't vary, while the the jaw