Not unless the bow was magical, no.
Not unless the bow was magical, no.
I rather doubt they would be happy with a pin as a permanent abode, though. I hear they favour clouds.
"Chausseur" should be "chaussure". #corrections
More like Big Brother, I think.
It's like the people who "liberate" minks from mink farms in areas where minks are not part of the indigenous fauna. The minks either die from starvation, if there is not enough prey for them, or they wreak havoc on the local ecosystem, being incredibly fierce hunters, and then die from starvation.
And 900-year old regenerating aliens who travel through time and space in a blue box.
Yes, but I initially replied to thegreatpablo and his idea of an EMP signal that would cancel out electronics (not electricity). I don't know what would cancel out electricity; after all, it does occur naturally. Although I wouldn't mind being able to pet my cat in the winter without getting static shocks. But it…
Yes, but also steam engines and internal combustion engines — like older cars.
Spotify was created by Swedes and first launched in Sweden, not the UK. Even Wikipedia knows this.
Yes — a secret but sufficiently complex language that you make up yourself and teach to no-one would still be a language, albeit not necessarily a live language. The difference here is rather between a live and a dead language.
Well, they've used gamers for science before, so it's not exactly a novel concept.
Well, shampoo wasn't invented until the 1930s, and people managed to have long hair before then. They just had different ideas about how hair was supposed to look. And if you do it right, and possibly have the right kind of hair, it's possible to make your hair turn "self-cleaning" (for a given definition of "clean")…
But mechanical devices should still be working.
Yeah, mechanical devices should still be working. If they can boil water and make sparks, they can make steam engines and internal combustion engines.
I said "most", not "all". :)
Well, to be fair, the cocaine habit was kind of glossed over in most earlier screen versions, too.
"America is God's experimental ground, his demonstration center, where he has brought representatives of all the world to try out, on a small scale, corporate living. If these representatives of all the world can live together in a sound, enlightened, and progressive way, as one family, then the rest of the world can…
Only recently one such case was brought to light in Sweden, where the landgrabbing project in question was actually funded by a Swedish foreign aid fund. If that isn't seriously wrong, I don't know what is. I hope these guidlines won't turn out to be as toothless as a lot of other UN agreements have been.
Nema problema!