
But wouldn't the same thing have happened if the groceries had been in an old-fashioned disposable plastic bag? Surely it's the fact that it was kept IN THE BATHROOM WHERE A GIRL WAS SICK that did it. That the container was reusable isn't really the point here.

This is super cool, but rather mean if you actually give these toys to the kids who drew them. Mad Magazine had a similar feature thing once back in the day, and it was all a mean-sprited (but funny) way to take the piss out of the often inept and unintelligible drawings of kids.

"Sturgatski" should be "strugatski", I think — at least that is the correct spelling of the name of the brothers who wrote Roadside Picnic.

I wouldn't say my outlook on life or people is rosy-hued, exactly. I've lived (probably) more than half my lifespan already and I've had my share of bad luck, stupid mistakes and pointless shit going down, and I don't exactly have high hopes for the future of myself, humanity, or the planet. I guess the only way I can

I'm sure that if they *had* survived into modern times... we would then have hunted them into extinction.

That thing could gobble you up whole.

I've never played that, but the name is perfect.

Ouch... knee-jerk reaction, much? I only expressed sadness that you took such a dim view on women in general. I personally only tend to make friends with good-hearted, reliable people who share or at least respect my views, my interests and my outlook on life, whether they are male or female. I'm sorry that you don't

I'm really sad you'd think that. Maybe he spent days forging this thing BECAUSE he knows she would appreciate it more than anything. You must have been hanging out with some really shallow girls to think that about us.

Why would you assume that? Every smart girl knows that meteorites are a girl's best friend.

Cool. Our Swedish translation is from 1978, so I read this book as a kid.

Yeah... I have a problem with psychological horror. I've watched Aliens, because that's not horror so much as a Space Action With Monsters, but in order to preserve my sleeping ability and sanity I'll just give Alien a pass. Yes, I know it's lame, but I know my limitations.

That is just wrong on so many levels. O.o Why didn't she remove you from the theatre when she realised what kind of film it was?

Apparently it did really well overe here too (Europe)!

It's strange how wearing a hat (or cap — headwear, anyway) went from "completely mandatory" to "rare" in only a couple of decades.

I was just thinking that it would be an awesome prank to play if you did have an identical twin.

What ukimalefu said, and also, the above images are of *orangutans*, not of chimps.

As someone who spent a brief time in her wild youth squatting in abandoned buildings (in the UK), these seem strangely familiar.

Well, not until we start uplifting them, anyway. :)

It would be really interesting to see what she could to with a bigger harmonica — big enough for her to blow separate tones instead of all of them at once.