
Like those tires would DARE!

The song is meh if you’re looking to something to belt in the car or dance along to.

that little boy in a hoodie in front of the police, and the cutting to the “stop shooting us”... damn, that did me in.

I only clicked on this because I thought it might be Dirt Bag. Damn.

His head is like a balloon trying to escape his body

Yeah, she nearly gets a pass just because who wouldn’t want to be in a rom-com with those two?

AND Hot Pursuit, which I watched about 15 minutes of for free on a plane and then stopped even though my Kindle’s battery had died and I had nothing else to do for 2 hours. At least This Means War had Chris Pine and Tom Hardy to look at!

the shirt or his body? I’m good either way.

Fellow Dudes, lemme lay a ProTip on you; wife is pregnant, you don’t purchase this t-shirt, much less wear it.

Thank you so much. That means a lot, especially because I know firsthand the harassment you expose yourself to when you publicly support a woman. We Hillary supporters tend to stay silent ( I was for a long time), because we are afraid of being harassed (rightfully so, I get called uneducated bitch, feminazi daily by

I got an account just to give you a star.

This is the rant that I've been ranting all day long.

thank you. #ImWithHer

I’m #TeamHillary here. You said you wanted more debates, everyone agreed to add more debates, and now you want to change the deal? Tough cookies. You should’ve spoken up before.

Well, I’m not yet a veteran watcher, but, from what I’ve seen...not really. The closest I’ve seen to this kind of thing is watching a bride and her bridesmaids get ready for the wedding: they have to nibble on food and sip champagne without ruining their hair and make up, and they kind of teeter around on shoes they

Honestly I think home schooled is too narcissistic and not bright enough to have made that burn intentionally. But as a 34-year-old who is trying very hard to get pregnant AND terrified about the spread of Zika, fuck that bitch.

I’ve been staring at this shot for like 5 minutes...

Kris hated that Range Rover makeover. Or, maybe I’m projecting my reaction, because that is just ugly.

And Kylie needs to get her shoes off that couch that cost more than my house.