
I seriously hate that guy.

Hey, remember that time when Family Guy didn't exist and Seth McFarlane wasn't being paid to make jokes on the Oscars about sexual assault?

There are SO many books about them in the U.K. I don't understand it either — SO much better than Downton.

Her son, Peregrine, announced her death in a statement, which did not say where she died or provide a cause.

why are there not fifty thousand movies about these chicks. fifty. thousand.

"My post was meant to raise awareness and support for everyone affected by the awful abuses of domestic violence."

Because things always work out when you have your ducks lined up in a row like that!

Well let's line up the narratives side by side:

Why do so-called "respectable" or "nice-guy" type men rape women? I have no clue, but it happens ALL THE TIME. Wouldn't those victims' stories seem "off" as well? Maybe he was drinking; maybe he is simply a douchebag. That said, I don't think the story sounds "off."

On a 3.5" screen, most people can reach from corner to corner with 1 hand.

We're just not going to talk about the turtle? Not at all? Ok, paint colors and fish it is.

I'm just going to cut and paste a comment I left to someone else about cheese and vegetarianism. Sorry if it's annoying, but people should know what they're eating.

"They've apparently been tested in the UK before, and were wildly popular." This, to me, is not exactly a ringing endorsement.


They also have arancini aka deep-fried breaded balls of rice, cheese and other various fillings (tomato sauce, spinach, ragu, ham, eggplant, etc.) Nothing tastes better than thin feels, my ass!

Teh fuck is "salsa sauce"?

Right?? What is UP with that? Grossness.

McD's has screwed up burger buns. Burger buns are the only tolerable bread in the shittiest bakeries, and yet the one at McD's is a tasteless, moist mess.