
There is nothing wrong with being funcrazy. :)

I think the issue, however, is that conservatives have turned "feminism" into a sort of dirty word. Now, many people who believe in equality are afraid of that term because it has come to mean something negative (a bra burning, ball-clipping, gold-digging, lesbian or something). If feminism is, first and foremost,

so much fug. Culotte fug + mom-capri fug + riding pants fug.

My mother's side of the family is from Russian Carelia, and I'm marrying a St Petersburgian in a week, so, technically, that makes me a Russian lady, non?

god why do I even know this

These two are the most Russian Russians to ever Russia. I love them. #neverchange

I hate elaborate/public proposals, but I would DIE for that. Of course, I hope he would understand that those 20 babies were all coming home with us....

I've worked in psych for over twenty years and have multiple grad degrees in the subject.

I'm exactly in that place right now. I'm very unhappy with my life in a few different ways and talking about it with my friends makes me feel negative and whiney, so I've been isolating myself. I know it's not "healthy" to be isolated but it's so much better than calling friends up and being all "wah my life sucks!"

I have a friend who pulls away from me whenever something really difficult is happening in her life. It took me years to realize that she does this because talking about it makes it even more painful than simply dealing with it on her own.

I thought that went without saying. I totally just worked for funsies in an incredibly stressful, demanding, and low-paying job. Because I got in my hot-tub time machine to the 1950's where my husband makes enough to support our family.

"Access to wealthy men" is a gross thing to bring up, especially since fraternization is verboten. I have a job I love, have fun at, and my customer base is surgeons. Even if I was fishing for one, you better goddam believe they need to pay me despite enjoying my job and the adjacency to "wealthy men".

They think they can do this because the women are doing the job because they have a passion for it. They love dance. They really want to do it. I was a teacher for 17 years and I see some similarities in how people would talk about teacher pay. When budget cuts started happening, there was an assumption that we

Jesus. We're all adults here, this is pretty basic.

Ehhhh I see what you're saying, but I disagree. These are all people who are choosing to work with him - they don't *have* to. This isn't like some normal person working for an immoral bastard because we're dependent on a paycheck. I think it's perfectly valid for her to question why they choose to work with, and

This is him with his current daughters


This killed me, "Have you forgotten me?"