His only skill is drag and dropping images into google image search. His vibe seems " I'm extremely creepy so I'm going to act super sensitive" rings my red flag bell. Agree on cute gray hair dude, he can stay.
His only skill is drag and dropping images into google image search. His vibe seems " I'm extremely creepy so I'm going to act super sensitive" rings my red flag bell. Agree on cute gray hair dude, he can stay.
Stamford, the Italian center of CT, good call! New haven too please!
Best? Jack in the box! Toasted sourdough? Yes please!
For giggles during mcdonalds breakfast, ask if they have soy or almond milk for their coffee drinks. Stunned silence follows. Not quite possible for McDonalds to take on Starbucks. Choices are black or sugar coma. Wait, what did I come to say? Salsa, gross.
I like that aviva brand, and those shorts with undies built in- goodbye chafing!
Yes went for wedding underwear- $30 for a sheer blue pantie. Went to nordstrom rack and Marshall's and scored a ton for like $5 each.
I got one, wore it once- it squished my boobs together and made them go up to my neck. I'm a size C. Super hard to get on and off. Worst bra ever VS. Bad VS. Also your slutty bubble gum message panties geared at middle schoolers is gross.
I'm sure they put as much quality, care and personal funds into their homes as they did of their thoughtful investments of socks, high interest credit cards, their pleather line at Sears and sex tapes.
And then we all laughed because we realize this girl is clearly lying about everything. Maybe even being 16. If not still lying and it's just sad.
the hillary bus is giving them away free on their tour! They are on twitter and Instagram! Also the imreadyforhillary website.
She looks like a cross between Niki Manage( too old to spell her name correctly) Paris hilton, and um, something not alive?
yes, viral snot video seems more expected.
We can't all be as blessed as you Jenny McCarthy, with an engagement to a former New Kids on the Block Singer/Dancer from the 80s and a lucrative E-Cigarette contract. Our poor former SecDef had only visited 121 countries and was married to some guy named Bill. Help a sister out. #readyforhillary #dogsforhillary
adorable. Only bummer is these previous kids dancing to a song name dropping kim kardashian a lot. Please tell me they don't know who she is.
As in, it's us versus them, and I am going write my manifesto on a free online site that some dumber more willing females might become confused and bewildered my spew that they just give in. Not going to work dude.
Why is this Maks reality dancer from DWTS inexiblicably getting all these gorgeous women? This decades's Wilmer valderama? 90s David Spade? Why is this happening and STDS.
please YouTube his asinine comments about women's bodies when he judged miss USA or Universe or whatever. He was the WORST. Feel bad for the 200 stolen girls in Africa, not this wad.
that mom should be investigated just as thoroughly. She overslept? Or was sobering up? I used to work security at a theme park and one mom straight up left her kid, for hours. We called her, and she laize-fair was like, ok, I'll come back (eventually) she showed up like 4 hours later. I colored with the poor kid for…
I am so sorry, it happened, you are not crazy , you have bad friends. Time to start fresh. Sending love and healing your way. I had to block anyone associated with my rape from my life and online. Triggers.