
You cannot nitpick unless you have taken the time to collaborate on something to make the violence end. I appreciate their time and energy. And again, Amy Pohler rocks. - a rape victim

You are ridiculous. She was raped, so she needs to go to the insane asylum and have a permanent mark on her record? I am so sick of snags like you that suggest we all run off to the mental institution.

She is suicidal. Rapes have to be treated as the medical emergency they are, not be downplayed by jerks like you.

No, she just didn't want to clean up and deal. Most families in Farfield County would starve if they had to prepare a meal in their huge kitchens.

It's the food slap equivalent of telling a police officer or teacher " you pay their salaries " in your shrillest waspy voice.

Yes back in the day we had some awesome Italian managers (pat, billy, kevin) that would be stern but firm, then come giggle to us about what absolute waspy brats people could be.

I'm from there- and all I
Have to say is yuupppp.

I should add that we were closed Thanksgiving, she wanted us to leave our families to come let her in to a million dollar restaurant and give her free reign.

You are so the veggie sandwich lady.

I worked at Splash restaurant in Westport, CT, a private restaurant at a town golf club. On Thanksgiving we had a lady demand we let her cook her turkeys in our ovens, because as a town resident, she was entitled. Man the entitlement in Wesport you can cut with a knife.

I am sure it's heart breaking as a parent.

Victims are going to have to start suing- it's the only way people will start caring, if the institutions are not pro active in helping rape victims, or obstruct to hide " the dirty"

When they couldn't prove rape, then I was like, ok, then charge him with assault, something?! It's not a zero sum game! If you key someone's car you get in more trouble.

I was raped at the London Olympics. I'm still curled up in bed, I tried working for a year and a half right after before I collapsed. This is a life or death situation Harvard. The least Harvard can do:
1.Move her or him across campus.
Outfit her with a therapist and psychologist.
3. Flag his record for at least simple

My mom was also whip smart and very talented but she could not hold a job or relationship/friendship for very long, like Lohan. Maybe the substance issue covered the bigger issue.

That is sad. It's really hard when it's family. Most therapists advise to cut off all contact unless being actively treated ( there really is none or meds that is proven to help). Usually an addiction to substance, food or sex too. My mom was food. She ruined lives.

Yes! When my sister called my mom to tell her she got engaged she started listing off all the close friends/family who could not come, because the wedding is about celebrating "the mother" . Thank god she's dead now. Only way to escape a BPD parent.Abusive and horrible.

I would nope that wedding so fast...

This was the coolest video I have ever seen. Love that song.