
Because, he personally, views it as a lower priority than the other games coming out and decided to opt out. So, yeah, people do that every day. And that's totally fine. However, that reasoning shouldn't be pushed on to others.

Again, that's a perfectly fine justification of "Will he buy?" and something I'd totally be down reading within that kind of context, but I'd never use it as a guideline for my purchase.

Yes, actually, it does. This is why we read reviews and have sites such as Kotaku. If I wanted to listen to people talk about shit they know nothing about I'd hang out in Gamestop all day and listen to the employees.

Can't say that I have. I haven't followed as much as I used to since they took away the capability of posting from my cell phone.


Uhm, Fahey's opinion comes off much more like a "Will he buy?" rather than "Should you buy?" since he didn't even play the game. In that respect, his opinion on the subject is worth about as much as mine right now. Which is nothing.


All I see when I look at that picture is Patton Oswalt.

Hahaha. Loved this video.

Thank you! It's so nice to know that other people don't get it either.

Side-scrolling wise, the game reached it's pinnacle in SMB3 and stayed there. I'm not the type of person to pay for the same experience multiple times. Unless it's reeeeeally something special. Running and jumping isn't it.

Well for a man who seems to have settled and is afraid of change, I can understand your love of CoD.

Infinity Ward needs quotations.

Infinity Ward needs quotations.

I guess we all wear blinders when it comes to certain things. You don't have to look far to find complaints about anything I've mentioned but people usually say "Yeah, but it's GTA". With which I just sigh and shake my head. Once again I'm the crazy person in the room for not making excuses for these games.

Load GTA IV, look around then load any other AAA title and tell me how it looks. Well, surely you say that isn't fair, as GTA has a giant landscape to render. That may be, but it doesn't excuse the fact of how poorly it looks compared to other games. Now load it up again, drive around and then load any driving

Yeah, well, you see, all what I said (besides storyline) isn't up for debate. The cities do look like shit, the cars handle like boats and the controls are maddeningly bad. Even if you were to convince me that I'm wrong about the story, the rest is pretty much 100% fact.

I hate to be *that guy* again, but here's another series that I just don't get. I mean, I get to drive around a large ugly looking city, in poorly rendered cars, with poor contols for an OK storyline? I just don't get it. I mean, it's fun to run around and steal cars and shit for awhile, but I got my full of that

"...the only reason i play this game is to play with my friends"

Consider myself shocked.