You realise anyone can claim to be Anonymous...
You realise anyone can claim to be Anonymous...
To expand on what Fockstrot said, hold & release R1 to bunnyhop on a BMX or mountain bike. On the race bike, R1 makes you tuck down for greater speed at the expense of poor cornering.
R1. I bunny hop every time I try to brake.
Well that's it. He's real. And he doesn't have the good sense of style that the creepypasta's like to display him in.
How in God's name did no one get him to do lines from Commando?!?!?!?! That movie is epic, and Arnold has an amazing one-liner in practically every scene. CASE IN POINT:
Wow, fuck whatever new autoplaying ads are now on this site. Seriously, any ad that autoplays with video and/or sound is fucking shit.
The article also fails to note that it's also coming out for BlackBerry 10 and WP8 the same day as iOS and Android.
if the video didn't include the question, you'd think he only stormed off the stage because he saw him holding his fucking phone VERTICALLY
"Opt-in" feature? I wonder if it was poorly worded or hidden in the agreement you acknowledge when you link your account.
The dad looks like Charlie Day.
This just warns of anything that might be given an AO rating.
Alex Chiu was actually pretty big back in 1999, I remember seeing him in those animutation flash videos way back then and he even got an interview on the Daily Show.
If people are willing to pay, I have no problem with it. If X number of people want a remake of Final Fantasy VII and effectively preorder it in this manner, then so be it. This lets people put their money where their mouth is.
No. Boxes have corners that can be turned into dangerous weapons and are considered sharp edges.
50 "bitches" in 62 episodes? i think thats a lot
Indeed, the fact that some of them are listed as selling keys that are activatable on steam, when the game itself isn't on steam yet could really come back to bite the buyer on the ass if it never ends up on steam.
Following that "not on steam" link is hilarious. Almost all of the games listed as "not on steam" have an icon stating they are "Greenlit on Steam" or have a green key indicating that they are selling you a Key usable to activate the game....On Steam as soon as it's available...On Steam, meaning they are trying to, or…
They'd never get this guy... but then again, he's doing nothing illegal. :P