
For over an hour I saw white and gold. Now I see black and blue. Mind is blown

Full setup is setting up the tank. Rocks, accessories (such as fake plants), water, heater (if needed), bubbler, filter, etc.

If you got a kick out of this, you should check out other patch notes. Most MMOs include a list of known issues that they found testing updates, but weren't able to fix before patch went live.

That is Silent Hill

Get Fightcade. There are always people on Third Strike

Microsoft stopped giving a shit about their phone marketplace and it looks like they are starting to stop on PC. Thought they would have caught on to the hundreds of illegal apps by now. I was thinking about trying to upload a app full of porn just to see if it would get through, but I'm too cheap to spend $20 or

Always added an extra t to but and laughed uncontrollably

Just started the Resident Evil novels

You aren't missing much by not playing multiplayer in Sunset Overdrive. Barely anybody plays it anymore.

You don't need to pay any subscription fees to play Sunset Overdrive on either console (if it were to become available on PS4).

If it was a requirement that they were force to do to play the game, I'd understand. These features are optional.

App is available on Windows Phone as well.

When my friend was playing Battlefield 3 for the first time on Xbox 360, he was on top of a building and asked me how to use the parachute. I said it opens automatically when you jump off. He then jumps to his death.

I proposed to my cat and he ignored me. I took that as a no.

Why is it disappointing?

Remake of Sega Saturn Gex. Lets get back to the mystery van

Jurassic Park and Borderlands were the only 2 that worked great for me. Still 4 more Borderlands episodes to mess it up though. TWD season and 2 had the most issues for me. Several parts of the game were unplayable and I had to restart episodes to fix. Tried disc and digital download.

I don't know if that is him driving. One time at Six Flags I thought I was driving a car, but it turned out to be on a track. My dad lied to me the whole time!

Fatal Frame 2 so scary that it was unplayable for me.