There was definitely an education process that helped me move to the more expensive shoe - pedorthist helped and so did the body trainer camera at the nike running store.
There was definitely an education process that helped me move to the more expensive shoe - pedorthist helped and so did the body trainer camera at the nike running store.
I noticed a dramatic difference, i’d encourage others to try a more expensive pair on and see if they notice the same... If you’re putting through hundreds of kms on them it’s worth it.
You should also mention that more expensive shoes are expensive for a reason. I used to wear $99 Nike Lunarions they were the best, but then I tried a pair of New Balance 1080v5 at $209 and there was a huge noticeable difference in stability, strength, and build quality. Both are comparable neutral shoes. After a year…
I find it makes my runs take way longer because i’m always stopping. I’m pocketing the app when I run, there are times to Pokemon and times to not.
That second guy is lucky the geese didn’t bite off his nutsack. Canada geese are very protective of their babies. Love the stampede the first guy caused. I like the game, but if there’s no hurricane and food shortage i’m not stampeding anywhere.
“Those Pokémon aren’t worth it” Neither is Rhianna...
I dunno, i sat my ass down on my trainride to work today and caught 8.
Don’t forget your Creedence tape we’ll need it for the ride...
Fuck it, lets go bowling.
8 year olds dude...
For sure it is possible, I have a wife and enjoy gaming and star wars.
Wasn’t a joke, was exactly what happened. Don’t cry.
Thanks for coming out.
Thank you, it felt right...
I’m amazed too, they looked kinda like this:
Note, my reply wasn’t a veiled jab, it was literally what happened. I wouldn’t say it’s too bad, I have had wonderful experiences not relating to tapping my mana.
Where’s the “How to not give a fuck about Pokemon” article?