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    Actually I saw plenty of people commenting on how bad it looks. Ignoring that, it doesn't look that far off the PC version of GTAIV if I'm honest. Not saying it's footage from a PC port mind you, that isn't Rockstar's style.

    She has cerebral palsy.

    I hated DNF not because of the gameplay, but because of a humour and a collection of desperate grasps for cultural relevance that was terrible when compared to most other games - including DN3D, which while rude and sexist was at least measured in it.

    It's down to optimisation. Fact is that it is nothing more than an emulated wrapper of 360 code, they put almost zero effort into retooling it for use of the PC - other than adding textures they would have already had and making sure it'd at least boot on some windows machines.

    One of them is about CJ being killed, and another about the Vercetti family as well. I don't remember the specifics.

    It's very CPU dependent. I've heard that an i7 2500 or 2600 will run it fine enough, but I dont have the money to drop on that.

    It's been what, two-three years since GTAIV came out on PC and I still struggle to run it on modern hardware =(

    In radio broadcasts, as little snippets in Weasel News.

    One thing is for certain.

    Biggest Elder Scrolls crime I committed was pirating Oblivion before I realised how good it actually was and put down the money for the GOTY.

    Of all the possible suggestions, Niko is pretty much the only even reasonable suggestion.

    Colours was surprisingly good!

    Just wish to remind everyone that Loading Ready Run's Desert Bus for Hope Child's Play charity drive starts in about 19 days as I type this.

    Did you consider wall space? No?

    I was sold when Whedon and Buffy fell from the sky.

    I want to build a new PC, more specifically for work (I do video effects and editing, and some 3D) but contracts have been hard to get for a couple of years now and I can barely afford rent some weeks.

    You see, guy who takes screenshots of the edge of source maps, this is art. This takes effort of framing and composition.

    Engineer Algae that can survive in very salty, otherwise very dead, lakes such as the Dead Sea or Lake Assal, and let them loose. Sure it will make the lakes look different, but there would be very little ecological damage. It would help.

    Core 2 series came out in 2006, though I did misread the GT as a GTS, so that came out in 2007. So still four-five years.

    "While they're not exactly low, they don't look unreasonable, and many modern computers should be able to handle them."