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    So... scientists look at Pluto, which (despite Charon and it's other three smaller, lesser known orbiting (possibly captured asteroid) objects Hydra, Nix and P4) could be a rogue moon, and then look at theories for Europa and Enceladus, and a light bulb goes "Ding!"

    We've assumed through study that some of Jupiter and Saturn's moons are such. We have not made this theory on Pluto before.

    A remake would be great, yes, but people are begging for it like it's fucking h2o and that is not on. It is not needed. That has been my entire point of my argument.

    No,no, you either play it all the way through again or your point that people will is made mute. You're 14 years older than you were back then, and if you grew up on the PS1/SNES then you were of a young enough age to obsess enough about something to play through it twice in a year.

    Alright, play it now, see if your nostalgia glasses need a wipe, as unless I'm mistaken you've not actually played it for a decade.

    It would be amazing looking, and will sell a lot, but consider this: You've already sunk what, 100? 200? hours into FFVII. Would you really want to with an updated pallet?

    An old interview that probably contains outdated information for the Abe game, and they never mentioned Munch so I assumed they weren't touching it. My bad.

    Others have explained why it's a bad idea, but no it wouldn't cause an EMP. There were a few low-orbit based nuclear tests back during the cold war and it had little effect outside a good firework.

    Unfortunately it appears the only game they are updating is Strangers for the moment, and they might not even come back with better PC support for the Abe games - they are considering a brand new Abe game rather than a remake of the originals.

    You appear to be confusing a performance demo and a playable demo. You may also consider demoscene releases indicative of playable games, yes?

    I suggest if you haven't done so already, pick up the episodes. Ballad of Gay Tony brings back a lot of the craziness (including the parachutes).

    They could be including digital sales and web sales - you can still find boxed copies on Amazon, for example.

    EA has been using the PS3 as the primary dev platform for multiplats for a while now. They just find it easier to port from that to the 360 than vica-versa. While in this case the 360 version will most likely be a downport of the PC version on a code level, it's still likely that the PS3 is their main console testing

    Yes some fans are idiots to expect a remake of one of their treasured games after seeing a tech demo that has no confirmation attached to it what-so-ever other than "this is what the PS3 can do".

    Well, it's still a discount from the game and the supplied DLC when bought seperate. Though, wait a month, it'll drop.

    I think the male chest is grossly under represented.

    Maybe not for you, but some people have been looking forward to a release like this.

    Fair enough.

    The people who 'expected' a HD revamp of FF7 based on a single tech demo are the same kind of idiots who 'expected' an FF8 revamp based on a PS2 tech demo. It was a tech demo, that consisted mostly of rendering a previously-prerendered FMV in real time - just like the FF8 PS2 demo. It in no way means there will be a

    SE originally didn't want to touch FFVII on PS3, they simply repeated what they did with the PS2 (recreated the dance scene from an FFVIII FMV in a real time engine) with a different game. People were saying they were going to remake FFVIII back then as well, when they had no intention.