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    You sir win a cookie.

    If I remember right he was using the idea that they didn't /refute/ his claims, but did respond in acknowledgment that they had been received, thus he was using some loophole to say they were valid.

    I can understand not buying Firefly simply because of funds - they had eaten a lot of budget with the Stargate thing - and Farscape was costing ludicrous amounts of cash per episode. You saw where that cash went, but the network couldn't afford it.

    Didn't some guy already make a valid claim to moon ownership a few years ago?

    I counter with...

    Developers were saying that it's not enough to pull PC level of quality back then as well. But, they created systems to avoid it becoming an issue - which is why, back in 05, consoles looked like PC's in performance. These days, they only look close because of ports. I did once write why this doesn't need to be, and

    Similar rules here in the UK, have to be at least 50% transparent or a different colour from Black. In this country replicas are banned after a rash of crime using converted replicas as real guns.

    As am I, however until war kicks the world into Solar, it won't change =(

    I concur, definitely. It is not so long ago that I was in your position. Oh, as a heads up, remember to inform the authorities if you're in public using Airsoft props, and be thankful you're not in the UK as it's illegal to have them these days without a bunch of licenses.

    I personally find quite a bit of excitement in EVE. Then again, I'm one of the few high enough to send a couple hundred people to combat on a regular basis.

    I actually already have a licensed copy. I haven't always been this broke =)

    I approve of your decision to Hackintosh, and despite what people say a lot of freelancers use such machines, so you're not entirely outside the cube either.

    I'm aware of the reference and approve of it.

    I admit when I tired the game I didn't get very far before returning to EVE, but I'll give it a look when it goes FTP.

    The only reason PC hardware originally costed more than what they have been putting into consoles is that they never really went high-end in consoles to begin with - giving them 512mb of RAM when 2gb was standard, for example, and sub-par graphics engines. They also sold at a loss for a good while.

    Didn't it take the guy who created the Nyancat video weeks to get his reinstated after copyright trolls hit?

    I'm not going to argue about it, but I'd actually struggle to build a PC for $2k period. I can get the highest end current gen Intel chip, two of the current highest end graphics card, a high end motherboard, 16gb of RAM and enough storage space to fit my brain on for about that - and even then I'd be using storage

    As someone who has worked in the industry, trust me you will need to pick up FCP at some point as most studios do actually use it over Premiere - but for the love of god learn After Effects and learn it well, as everyone uses it currently in some form.

    The changes in the program are so against the standard that us "professionals" (as you put it) are having to scrap years of training and experience to pick it up fresh. That is not what you want from a new edition studio level production software.

    God if I could promote you I would be.