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    Sorry for causing stress and anger <3

    It is the content, not the name, that defines something Zinger. Most people want to use it as a media sharing thing? Fair enough, doesn't mean that my page in particular is any less of a blog than say, Notch's.

    You took the bait and gave the kind of reply my direct, insulting, blatantly ignorant and argumentative writing style is designed to bring about.

    Does it ship with one of these retrofitted for space flight?

    At risk for being shot down for peddling my blog articles (though, I don't make any money off it) I am going to link my personal reasons for avoiding facebook in an article I wrote a while ago simply entitled "Fuck Facebook".

    This is more for general info rather than anything I'm expecting a reply to, not rubbing anything in your face just giving some examples.

    But it started at $499 iirc (I don't know the US prices as well as I know the UK prices).

    Forgive me for not reading your entire post, it is a long one, and I stopped reading at the end of the second paragraph for one main reason: You are assuming without any kind of prompt that the issue we are talking about is one of performance optimisation.

    Oh of course, I'm not saying that the kind of student that has to use a Mac is in the majority, however 15% of the first world student market is still hundreds of thousands if not millions. Definite market there!

    Anyone remember the Mac Mini? You know, the small cheap thing designed for students and low-earners?

    How about students on courses that require or heavily depend on Mac-only software? Not everyone can build a hackintosh you know.

    I'm sorry to say that the consoles have been the main development platform for Bethesda games since Oblivion.

    Oblivion suffered from being shrunk down to fit into consoles. In order to manage it, they had to cut back on voice acting (fair enough), textures, geometry and landscape. It is a good looking game, even today, but looks does not a PC game make.

    Loading Ready Run is still superior in almost every way.

    I'm in the UK, so I'm unsure if the same retailer even exists in the US, but I got it online from HMV.

    Last time a large collectors edition was released I got it for less than half the price brand new (Bioshock 2 for £90, got it for £40).

    The game in question can be coded to be optimised for the tech, just like SLi (where it can be setup to give massive performance gains with any game, but can also be optimised for).

    As long as we can still play as a character that is vastly more powerful than the others, I'm good.

    I try <3

    Your puns have become weak, old man.