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    Just wish to say that, through The Lion King's PC version, Westwood was also passively responsible for the creation of the DirectX API.

    But wasn't sold as a primarily PC experience =p

    Wait it out to see the market reaction to BF3. If the market doesn't catch on that the PC is still a valid system to develop for (rather than port to) then yea, I'd understand completely.

    Yes, but unlike THEIR console, THEY don't get ANY money from PC games released on THEIR operating system.

    SR3 is having an in-house PC version developed rather than an outsourced port, so it should run smoother and look better for it.

    It was mentioned by several review sites that the performance on PC was terrible. After a few patches, it did start to run better.


    A port that is so botched the port of GTA IV looked well optimised.

    If I had a star I'd be promoting you to the motherducking moon.

    Frankly, even though these are most likely incorrect, it's nice to see a game released these days that is steep on hardware requirements. While financially I've been far from a position to upgrade, I do miss the age when a PC game looked markedly upgraded from it's console counterpart. Sure we've had a couple that do

    Absolutely awesome.

    Funny, if I remember correctly, that chase in Bullitt was one of the examples used in the design of the original Driver.

    The politics takes months, but each individual fight takes a couple hours.

    By the look of it, the other 300 is taken up by the frames used to align it/put it together.

    What EA have not officially mentioned is that the "other" download service that Crytek has an agreement with (and thus locking it out of Steam) is its own Origin.

    The coming post is a comment based on my own views about it, you may disagree, that's fine.

    I was teaching in it under the old management... New management is so much better for the players of EVE in my honest opinion.

    More training groups? Sure, Joel.