
I love, love, love RJ. I really hope she is like her Parks and Rec character in real life...


Battlefield was sorta cool (got it at $.99 a long time ago). Thought about R6, that looks ok.

That would come from your tech dept. Generally called 'split tunneling' and it would consist of your IT dept setting up the VPN client/server to only route traffic destined for the internal network through the VPN, everything else goes out the un-encrypted connection.

Order through - the unlimited option is there. I screen-capped the order page and printed out the confirmation showing my plan staying the same. ATT's page was a little bit of trickery, making you think you have to change plans. My guess is that you wouldn't have to change, even if you did change during the

Ordered mine online and it shipped Tues from China. I am not sure I have seen a package move that fast through so many channels on UPS. Three stops in China, Alaska, two interior states then two plane hops in WA state... and it was on the truck out for delivery before I even left for work today.

I would add that he was the greatest CEO of all time.

Fab-u-lus. Pretty awesome stuff.

I can confirm that on ATT (as of Fri morning PST) you were being forced to change the data plan and the Agree to details effectively kicked you off any grandfathered in unlimited plans. If you ordered via you were allowed to keep the unlimited plans (at the same price) and the (online only at the moment -, look at my post above. ATT is out to get people to switch is my guess. You will probably be able to get out of it later (there will be backlash and they will respond) but as of now is the only online method of keeping your old ATT plan (that I am aware of).

As you are seeing from the responses it varies.

I find that .5mg (then taken in halves) of Klonopin seems to work the best for me. I will go months without taking any but then need to take it daily for weeks, but it works (for me) w/o too much drowsiness.

"I know I got my breast cancer from my last husband. I think it, I know it. My daughter Lulu was the only person I told."

What about two pro bodies? That's my issue.

Nikon: The only way for you to fix this is to release the D4 and the D800 and to give me one of each. I am sorry it came to that.

Everyone I know that has 4G LTE turns it off 90% of the time because it sucks the battery like crazy. I am not sure if it will be a huge difference. Mind you, these are adults and are not consuming 25 YouTube videos on a subway ride. They are just using it for work, getting basic information and maybe some Angry

I have a Nook color and I use it for reading and occasionally some blog reading. Everything else is a PITA. Basic web browsing, etc all suck. I know you can root it and put blah, blah, blah on it but I don't want to mess with that stuff. I really just want a decent browser experience. Hopefully BN will release the

One thing about the wifi-only. It won't be super-seamless at a place like Starbucks, most hotels, a lot of airports, etc. Reason being you have to usually land on a catch page, click OK and then connect. So just walking into a Starbucks you would have to open the browser, click OK and then go back to whatever cloud

Looks interesting. They got a 3mo trial. Might be worth a shot. Thanks.

Small ones yes (have an X100), but the bigger ones are just Nikons rebadged. Actually not sure if Fuji is in the DSLR market anymore - in the D200, D300 days they were (S2 for Fuji?). The P&S are cool. Have had several. The film is good (got a fridge full - peel apart and 120 roll). The tiny instant cameras are