You’re fucked. Harden up and deal with it.....Did that help?
You’re fucked. Harden up and deal with it.....Did that help?
They ARE living the good life. They scam and go to college for FREE, go abroad for FREE, get into exclusive recruiting events, etc. I’m still paying off my loans and couldn’t go abroad because I couldn’t afford it. Fuck them, they’re parasites. And to top it off, how do they repay the US? By displaying thanks and…
Exactly. Try to name one thing Muslim women force upon Muslim men? But somehow that’s empowering?
Except the reason that burqas are still worn is because men make women wear burqas... and now there is a class of women that think they should wear a burqa. Not want to wear, should wear. Big difference.
Sorry but not sorry at all. Burqas are meant to demean women and subject them to misogynistic rules. Women get punished for getting raped in societies that make them wear burqas. Burqas represent truly awful male dominance and subjugation.
but look! I have cool toys that I got in my pre-order bonus
Trump isn’t Hitler. Give it a fucking rest. It’s pretty fucking disrespectful to real victims of fascism.
Oh, Christ.
Fuck. I have brothers who are religious and not at all feminists, and we’ve gotten into fights when they express sexist sentiments and such... but goddamn, I cannot even fathom this. Honor killings are atrocious and incomprehensible. Whatever your feelings about someone’s behaviour and views... that’s your fucking…
So many honour killings are committed by mothers in law, sisters, aunts and mothers. This is a problem that goes way beyond a gender demographic. (How much easier it would be if it didn’t though....)
Feeling the hatred with you sister
Fundamentalism, in all its forms, across religions and cultures both, is a poison. Fuck them all.
Anime is made for Japanese people. Why would they have a lot of dark-skinned people in the first place? I mean, really.
I dunno. Hard to blame the guy for a comment he made when she pulled a gun on him.
Meh. Saying something ugly and regrettable in the heat of the moment kind of pales in comparison to murdering your children.
Product is terrible. I keep dodge rolling women and can’t get any dates.
If you guys actually raised a stink about it, you might get somewhere.
The fact that she has any future whatsoever suggests leniency.
She made the decision to bring a gun to a Craigslist deal with intent to rob. Explain why she should get *any* leniency.
it’s felony murder during a armed robbery man, and she also admitted that they planned to rob him with lethal force available (i.e premeditation, they brought a gun)
Or maybe mention what gamergate was originally about before it got hijacked by Zoe Quinn and her feminist brigade. Credibility of game reviews/journalism. She may have been the target of a lot of hateby a select group, but it’s only because she was one of the perpetrators. Not because she's a girl gamer.