
no thats a bad anaology . soccer like moba is a team sport that means being there when the team has the ball to receive passes. becuase its not about playing alone. you are not playing in a vacum. you are playing with others . if he was there with the immortals . he would have contributed to defending his team mates ,

pure gold

no i was not . but i am just immune to stupidity . you know the kind that denies a certain people their freedom to fraternize with their own race if they want to . date who they want to without judgement. there is absolutely no reason that sorrorities and fraternities are to treated differently from any other student

are you so thick that you cant understand that universities benefit more from alumni donations and it benefits them to have sororities and frats. you need an education as to the difference in powers that greek sorority and frats have over universities and stop sounding like an uneducated clout

the guy who attacked the canadian parliment was supposed to have been radicalized in a canadian islamic student association . there are many other ethnic student associations that have racially charged agendas. also these sororities are looked after the universities because they usually get huge alumni donations from

right but the reason you won this game was because your team carried you. you were looking malfurion followed you in that chase . or else nova would have sniped you easily . boooourner0101 is right you are supposed to group together in the latter part of the game . you didn’t . raynor was making that comment because

no hes right . you do suck . i can tell you were laning unnecessarily at the beginning when your team probably needed u at the immortal battle. you were also lucky that you chased valla so far with so little health . you had good team mates who carried you, malfurion saved your ass. there . you were taking a risk

yes . shes slowly conquering the internet. we need to christen her as queen internet

just a tip to anyone who has lag . turn down sound quality to low and turn client to from x64 to x32 . this helped a lot when i had lag

by your logic the majority of the internet population are trolls

hots is seriously catching up to legacy of the void hype for me. its kind of surprising because i was never a moba player . never like league of legends. hots is the one blizzard game i never actively followed during development but now its got me hooked like spectre on terazine gas

its like jezebel takes celebrity worship to the next level. why and what does this have to do with hillary clinton’s significance to the election? not a hilary fan but even i wouldn’t equate this to a positive or a negative for hilary. tells you a lot about who jezebel thinks is important for feminism . que jezebel

thats a really bad anaology . my point is ff xiii is akin to katy perry or lady gaga taking a massive dump then packaging it as their new album . to which they lose a lot of their fans while a select few are content in eating it with ketchup . but also losing face and a lot of money such that they do not have the same

metacritic vgchartz ofcourse aren’t an indicator of if they are good. but they do reveal shit like waste of investment. they do reveal shit like how much sales decline through a series. but dont worry the game is good cause you enjoyed it. final fantasy brand recongition didn’t suffer nor did square enix stocks suffer

fuck final fantasy xiii and all the assholes that promoted ffxii-2 and lighting returns. all the people that enjoyed and bought those games are to blame for this shit. you took away precious resources from other square enix titles that could have been more than crap shit.

kind of getting a weird feeling what you are pointing out is the twist. the trailer seems to highlight human emotion over grandeur, its almost like a throwback to those europeon royalty succesion stories. you the war between the plantaganets (france) and the uk (king ). one european nation being subservient to the

i literally agree with everything you just said . but he looks like the generic white hero character that actually will appeal to the majority as opposed to the internet crowd that pines for minority representation

i gotta admit thought the momentum of hilary clintion has definetley slown down. i mean even in jezebel, there are no hilary clinton positive comments.A huge contrast from comments in the early hilary clinton posts