
key and peele ?

while i can’t speak for the atrocities committed by the kkk, america in race hate acts . the nature of the islamic problem with western country is quite simple .it puts religous doctrine over secular law. other religious adherents don’t they have changed with the time , islam hasn’t . its not islamophobia because the

i think if instead of fearing the truth and you stop labeling people we can have an intelligent discussion . just beause you know of plenty of muslims who have no problem with depiction of mohammed doesn’t change religious doctrine . i feel like we can’t have this discussion unless you come to the reality that islam

2nd part reply,i did venture a further guess and make a connection or guess if i may . this time with the formation of isis, and recent events . its not a nationalistic or regional cultural issue . i mean 12000 foreign western islamic fighters is a result of their alienation from their regional western communities (

objectively speaking whether its rush limbagh, pamela gellar , obama or whoever it might be . everyone is treated equally . no one gets a free pass no matter the tradition , belief or doctrine . the fact remains the minute you enter a western secular country you should be ready to have your beliefs bullied, questioned

this reeks of victim blaming . how is what your saying not similar to “she was asking for it “ . your basically saying they were asking for it by drawing mohammed. i disagree. freedom of speech , which includes freedom to criticize, does not come at a price . why should any one who’s not islamic have the need to

doesn’t the terrorist attack actually confirm the need for a draw mohammed day. stuff like this actually works against the integration of islam into secular societies . i think they made the point for her . if anything it kind of justifies the need for islamophobia .

wait ultimate universe is really dying . i thought it was going to die because of galactus but didn’t they kind of kick his ass with kitty pryde.

“ real barriers to mobility are matters of social psychology, the quality of relationships in a home and a neighborhood that either encourage or discourage responsibility, future-oriented thinking, and practical ambition.”

i hope all the rioters who were complicit in violent actions get their due in court. i hope they don’t go easy on them either. what a sorry bunch of entitled thugs. there is no excuse for violence no matter the social movement .

yes i am curious as to what they have in store lore wise for rain? there is also the red dragons that were in the background but absent through the main story line. there is so much kind of threads in this game. raiden kind of got evil 1 storyline earlier so does that mean onaga isn’t coming. plus onaga kind of was

man dc animation is so good. i hope Snyder is able to translate some of the emotional aspects of show like this and young justice into the big screen.i love both of marvel and dc. its like we live in a world of polar opposites . marvel with the cinematic universe (except agents of shield) and dc’s dominance over

yes because mental retardation is a joke and life is all about getting laid

i think this comment has to be the dumbest and shallowest comment i have ever seen on the internet. are you advocating that people should be ok with sleeping you just because your are “super hot”. the stigma around it exists for a reason. here is some illumination Neonatal encephalitis complication of hsv 1 herpes is

so you kind of sound like you know a lot about this . i agree that we shouldn’t vote for someone for the sake of putting up a uterus in the whitehouse but seriously is there another democratic candidate could better represent anti-war, anti-corporation side ? is that person even remotely capable of winning the

so you kind of sound like you know a lot about this . i agree that we shouldn’t vote for someone for the sake of putting up a uterus in the whitehouse but seriously is there another democratic candidate could better represent anti-war, anti-corporation side ? is that person even remotely capable of winning the

so you kind of sound like you know a lot about this . i agree that we shouldn’t vote for someone for the sake of putting up a uterus in the whitehouse but seriously is there another democratic candidate could better represent anti-war, anti-corporation side ? is that person even remotely capable of winning the

“broadly speaking, being rather relaxed about organized religion, especially compared to other countries” -gee i wonder why that is ? if only we could isolate that variable .

pffttt all real pkemo trainers know its alternating diagonal up/left with diagonal down/right whilte also alternating a and b button. in addition it a must be concurrantly pressed with diagonal up/left button press.

So How do these women fit into your explanation? Are they also degrading your sense of womanhood because they don’t ascribe to your cultural ideals