
as a diablo 3 player,i am very glad that they have removed him from diablo 3 but his twitter hes has been listed as game director for unannounced blizzard game. dont have a good feeling about this

they even have statues that look exactly like the concept art for the burning crusade, the one with the blood elves race intro page. they even have lady vashj or s a similar nag with the exact same pose . the only thing they have added is a helmet on top . there is nothing but world of warcraft in there .

25 graduating uni in like 8 months , nerd for life . damn i will be arguing with my grand kids that charizard is more better than supposed future generatio starte lol then i will be like u r grounded for liking new gen pokemon

shit now i want all three

i just had a nerdgasm

i think this game just sold the 3ds to me

lets not stop at christians please lets remove all forms of conservative intolerance, hinduism, islam whatever it might be .

hey what about the blue mage ?

same stuff in india i think the general eastern area is catered towards a melodramatic with few exceptions. its more like an image , style rather than any real substance

not really some of us just want to see it because it is a GDT movie and geniunely enjoy his work. i think a lot more people are going to be going to this movie simply because it is a hollywood summer blockcuster movie NOT because it has anything to do with godzilla or gundam. having said that i am definetly going to

care to explain how world of warcraft is influenced by anime ? maybe even guild wars 2 or swtor . which MMORPG is actually anime based the korean ones and how do they actually fare in terms of subscription and popularity . truly curious

i hate the fact that we as a culture have been brainwashed into thinking that everything is ok. there is no sense of accountabililty. where is the damn line anymore, i just dont know .cheating is a symptom oh no it doesnt reflect the moral character of the individual. its ok for grown men to watch a show on

with all due respect , there is some misconception , herroin withdrawal symptoms occur not due to the fact that opiod receptors but because of what heroin is not metabolized into morphine. it is "morphine" heroin actual chemical name is di acetyl morphine . invented by Dr. Alder wright it is a what is called a

i am sorry let me try to be clear as to the point i was trying o get across. they are both the same as in they are both variables in real life that lead to the same chemical /biological mechanism

"Stephen Totilo

no they are the same . you are just thinking magnitudes of difference . i am pretty sure there are studies that support this if we look into it .

i really do wish they make a game revisiting ivalice . i loved that world mythos and characters. why are we getting these games based on lightning and gran pulse. its really not that good . convoluted maybe not good . the only thing i hate more than final fatntasy 13 is people who actually defend it as if it has some

that you are a total idiot for likeing anything related to final fantasy xiii and thats not an opinon

i bet somewhere between 9 moths to 1 year before it is declared failure and either goes free to play or just plain goes any takers. don't think it can survive with its reputation and against blizzard's wow, guildwars 2 .. just too many other mmo's with better rewards. any takers?