Weird, I got a huge raise when I moved to Colorado . Maybe that's just the IT field.
Weird, I got a huge raise when I moved to Colorado . Maybe that's just the IT field.
Don't forget buying Amazon gift cards at grocery stores with a card that gives you cash back for groceries. Amex Blue Card will work but it probably works with other cards. You can usually get a 3-6% discount with this technique.
On the surface, saving some large percentage of your income for some undefined goal that will happen at some undefined time is attractive because you avoid having to think about what you are saving for and then calculating how much you need to save to reach that goal in time. Now let's talk about reality. You need to…
Research tells us to sleep, rest, exercise, and eat healthy because they make us more productive. -> And you have a longer, healthier, and happier life that way as well. That motivates me much more than being more productive.
I see. As long as you're away that buying used can work as well as buying new. I'm done both and like preserving resale value, buying below sticker price, and keep insurance/registration costs low so that I feel that I'm getting my money's worth. The consensus seems to be that the longer you intend on keeping the…
A coworker of mine has one, and all he does is complain about problems he has with the screen .
While you're busy filling straws with liquids and goop, I'll already be through security at the terminal wondering if you're going to show up before the plane takes off. Lol. Seriously, I usually pack in a hurry, throwing stuff into my bags and hoping that I make my flight . I don't have time for a lot of prep work.
Or just budget all of you money, give every dollar a job . You divide your income up into buckets, retirement , groceries, gas, etc, and never spend more than what you budgeted . No tricks or games necessary. Just write it down and follow your plan . Easy as pie.
There are tasks that require a lot of set up and tear down. Vacuuming may require that you move all the furniture out of the way, or cleaning may require you get out several cleaning liquids and accessories, or you may need to change out of your normal clothes into grubby clothes that you don't mind getting dirty!
I like this idea. So far every cleaning service I've contacted requires me to be home to do the cleaning, and their available hours are the same as my work hours, so I cannot be home.
Naw, you're trading time and work for money, then you trade money for other things. It is interesting to occasional translate the cost of an item into hours worked to valuate the item.
I'm trying to convince myself. I'm 2 years from being able to buy a house, and I want to keep paying lower rent by living far from work until I have the house down payment saved.
Same here. I don't have the equipment or a place to perform oil changes anyway. So if I couldn't pay for someone to do it then it would not happen.
I'd be less stress if there was a gym anywhere near where I work or live. There a huge travel time overhead to going, so I have to have no time obligations in order to go.
Hmm, so you'll be sending your personal emails to a service run by people you don't know and give it access to your calendar.
I'm mostly seen the 'you're salary so we can afford to work you to death' model, though there were a few jobs where they worked hard to make sure that I was compensated for everything because they didn't want to lose me.
I worked at a local butchery. I learned where not to work.
because Car fax messed up you won't buy a used car again? How is that logical ? I've never used Car Fax when buying or selling used cars and I don't see why it's necessary. My last 3 cars including my current one were all used . I really enjoy not taking the depreciation hit you get with new cars.
True fact. Alcohol affects me the same way caffeine does.
My taxes are simple, so easy that a 5 year old could do them. If I paid someone else to do them, I'd be admitting that a 5 year-old is smarted than I am. So, I continue to do them every year.