
I've been using Safari as my main browser for about a month since I got my first Macbook. The biggest irritations are single row of tabs and lack of plugins. If you use iCloud features a lot, like keychain, reader, and so on, Safari does have it's advantages.

Have you not heard of PlexConnect? I run. Plex and Plexconnect on my FreeNAS server and my Apple TV 3'a both work fine as PLEX clients.

I use tabs for 2 things, often referenced sites( email site, social media site, task management site, financial sites if you track your budget/investments daily ) and research. I remember setting up my freenas server, I had the FreeNAS management page open, Sickbeard, SABnzbd, and Couch Potato admin pages open, and a

that's my goal. My expenses including fun things like travel. concerts, sports league fees, etc are 61% of my take home. the other 39% goes to pay off debt(done) and a variety of savings and investments. any purchases come out of that , as well - mortgage down payment , car purchase, new furniture - things I want but

I've never gotten a raise or a bonus. I switch jobs periodically to make my own raise. Some people have got it good if they get raises. they are in heaven if they get a bonus!

This comment is so funny that it should be copyrighted.

Most of these points are good. #8 bit me when' Apple improved their method of detecting unlicensed lightning cables, and suddenly all of my cheap charging cables from China stopped working. It was pretty expensive time and money wise to replace them.

The author confused saving money and making money when they included rewards cards. A reward card helps you save money by giving you some of your own money back. You spend $50 and they give you $.50 back, for example. Making money is when you spend nothing, and you end up with more money than you started with. Say I

And yet there isn't much excitement about it. I guess its only news if the market drops sharply,

or you can shop at Costco which has the same low prices all week long . where I live , they do tend to get immensely crowded on the weekend , though.

or someone else's child. Pay it forward by doing someone else a favor

you're luckyto get good range with your wifi! having my wireless access point near my cable modem gave me choppy performance, so I ended you buying a really long Ethernet cable to let me move it to a central location . I get awesome wifi signal now but when the tab broke and the connector slid out, all my wireless

where do you find cheap crimping tools?

I get Xbox titles used from Craigslist and from Amazon at a fraction of the new price, and I can easily resell the game after I'm done with it. The xbox 360 with 350gb hd cost me $125. That costs way less that a performance video card for a PC.All of my friends game on xbox, so I always have people to play with

I agree. The conventional wisdom is that you need to keep a new car 10 years for it to pay off, a 2 year car 6 years, and a 4 year or older car pretty much keeps it value.

At home you only need a home network to connect the Plex Media Server, PlexConnect DNS server, and AppleTV's together. Internet access would only be needed if you were on the Public Internet and wanted to get access to your media on your home network.

I did the DNS hack for PlexConnect using my PC and the iPhone Configuration utility. It did take me a couple of hours from the time I started to finished. Mostly because I don't work with SSL certificates very often.

I did the DNS hack for Apple TV 3 and it works great for Plex, Netflix, Youtube, and Airplay. I don't use it for anything else. I haven't tried Roku 3, but I'm considering hooking it up to a TV I just got.


I'm with you. I don't sit for more than 2 hours at a time. When I do sit, I'd like to be comfortable without breaking the bank. I reading up on this knock-off chair… right now. Reviews are good, but they do note deficiencies that remind you that the chair is a knock-off.