Though stole from China and Japan's playbook. Take the good part of what someone else is doing and improve on it. New isn't always better, often'new' ideas suck. I think they made great choices on the features and look in iOS7.
Though stole from China and Japan's playbook. Take the good part of what someone else is doing and improve on it. New isn't always better, often'new' ideas suck. I think they made great choices on the features and look in iOS7.
The 2 yr contract requirement kills the deal for me. I have a 4S and the reason I would want to upgrade is to exchange my Verzion phone to no-contract iPhone with another carrier. right now I'm looking far Straight Talk and Tmobile's Go Smart plans.
I think that this is similar to choosing to sell your own car or trade it in. Trade in's generally don't net a big return, and it's on purpose so that the dealer can make a big profit on the resale of the car. Consumers want a good deal on the vehicle, and will generally offer an amount closer to what the car/phone is…
Security for my news feed? Do tell why you would want to 'secure ' public information. seriously , You lost me there.
I agree. My budget has a 'subscriptions' category which makes it easy to see how much money is going for non-essential monthly fees. I'm always canceling something when the number get to big.
You could pay attention to the road and avoid having an accident . that would be productive .
I agree. I had over the door shoe organizers everywhere when I first moved into my apt. A year later I got rid of a lot of junk and bought proper furniture and shelving to store things in. It looks a ton better.
Has anyone done this with a desk that had drawers underneath? I might take the drawers off and try mounting my router underneath. The wood is kind of thin so I have to make sure that the screws don't go all the way through the desk.
Swappa only offered me half of what my last phone sold for on Craigslist. No thank you.
Good point. My blood ran hot last week with the thought of selling my 4S to upgrade to a 5 before the price drops. truth is, they will both drop and I'm betting if I wait 2 months until my contract expires, sell it to switch from VZ to straight talk iPhone 5, it will be the better deal.
Nothing new here. I'm really bad on the phone and hate calling anyone(I'm a text-er by nature) , so negotiating rates has always been a non option for me. I tried it once and got roped into paying $20 more a month so I'm not trying that again!
My apartment complex doesn't allow car maintenance on the property, so I'd I have to rent a car stall to do the work.
How nice does that coat hangar antenna look? If I made one it would be such an eyesore iI'd never have people over .
I have to agree with the poster. Any advice comes with a YMMV disclaimer. for me , public transportation is expensive and add 2hours to my daily commute. I found cheap parking near work that saves me $60/month and gives me 10 hours of my life back every week.
To save money, I buy food and gas at warehouse clubs and…
The problem with this is if you drink several cups a day. you can make one at home in the morning before work(I do) but after you are there the choice is often free coffee in the break room that makes you throw up, or going to a local coffee shop and getting something that you enjoy drinking instead of regretting that…
I tried Sparklepeople and found it obnoxious by the way it kept pushing me to buy products and services. LoseIt works well for me as I make all of own meals which the custom dish feature supports.
I wish that my 14z-5423's battery was removable. This is a great tip for those with removable batteries.
Make sure to install a good anti-theft system. in my neighborhood your window would be smashed and the electronics gone when you park at 7-11 and go in to get a slurpee.
I get glare from the sun in the afternoon. My office is pretty high up and doesn't have any shades to block the sun with.