
Because he has three failing resorts there that this would probably be the death knell for. 

Exactly, This could just be Hanlon’s Razor. “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained with stupidity.”

ITT: grade school psycologists pretending their wrong opinion matters. Every comment I’ve read proves that most of the people who watched this movie have no fucking clue. Not just about the movie, but how the world works in general. Just watch. Every reply trying to prove me wrong will do the exact opposite. The

I get that reference. Bravo. 

It’s a commercial. A juvenile and stupid commercial disguised,  poorly, as an article. 

If y0u don’t like story ideas being reused then never study Greek and Roman mythology. You  know, where the original ideas for almost every form of entertainment we consume as humans stemmed from. But go ahead and continue to repeat things you don’t fully understand. 

I have to agree. I really did like and will always watch it from time to time. But it is a completely safe movie that answered a question that no one asked. 

I respectfully disagree. They did some work, they got paid. If none of the work is used in the final output then what are they getting credited for? I mean, if I was in either of their positions I wouldn’t argue but despite originally being on board, they added nothing to the final project. But that’s just me. 

I’m in northern NY. I’ve seen it on the shelves in Price Chopper and Hanniford’s, but I have never seen nor do I know anyone who has ever eaten canned bread. 

No, were the last best hope. 

This was the correct response. 

And I wouldn’t bank of when the kids get it that everything will be hunky-dory. I’m a big Frank Zappa fan and after his death his wife, also coincidentally Gail, when Dweezil, Moon-Unit, and Ahment got control this only got worse. Brother suing brother. Dweezil can’t tour using his own last name. All sorts of public

You magnificent bastard. 

Next I want a show about the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy by American sugar companies, and the illegal annexation of Hawaii by the U.S. Shit people know nothing about.”

That’s the mirror you’re looking into. This guy was having some fun. 

I find it strange that a seemly mentally healthy person wants a stranger to fake die on film because they don’t like a character they have played or how the behave in a very specific and controlled environment. There are far more important things in the world to want than a stranger who will never know you exist fake

No, there doesn’t need to be a defined anything. That is a very juvenile and unsophisticated way to look at any art. It doesn’t have to be what you want it to be, it is what it is. You don’t have to like it, but the reasons you gave are childish. 

Another one who completely missed the point and is complaining because it wasn’t what they thought it was going to be when they walked into the theater. That’s not a problem with the movie, this is problem with you. It’s your fault you didn’t enjoy the movie because you already had an idea of what it should have been

“The Script Sucked” is what idiots say when they barely have the reading ability above a fourth grader. The script didn’t suck. You just didn’t understand it because you don’t have the tools or ability to. That’s not the scripts fault, it’s yours. 

This shows that you have completely missed the point of what the movie was about. You wanted a Batman movie starring the Joker and this was never going to be that. You were probably really pissed about Scorsese saying that superhero movies aren’t cinema because you couldn’t understand what his point was. Maybe once