So glad Grand Prix is back in Houston, Its time people know we have more culture than...
So glad Grand Prix is back in Houston, Its time people know we have more culture than...
The 40 year history of Saab police cars used in Aspen, Colorado. Because Bronco's aren't good enough!
PFf.. you guys are both amateurs, everyone knows you don't leave home without your mobile car lift.
The sport mode on a non sporty car, Because my passat is a total sleeper!
And why is that sir? If your going to talk shit, at least put down why so i may laugh at your stupidity.
Sir, as i am a good sport, and perfectly happy to hear your pathetic excuses for insulting a state you have not spent a sufficient amount of time in to dare criticize it to the extent that you have, i would love to hear your excuse for believing that even a small majority of texans would want to secede from the U.S. I…
Look just because a few dumb ass's say that "we should become our own state" does not mean most texans agree with said idiotic statement.
I present to You beauty at its purest form,
GGRR! i meant to write it lost some appeal to me, i did not mean to refer to the whole Turbo community, sorry!
OK, I feel as though that removing the ability to get a brand new porsche 911 turbo with a manual transmission, gets rid of some of the appeal in the car. i care because i do want to buy a Turbo (maybe in the near future).
Well sir, I'm not in the market for a Porsche, i can afford said car, and i care because i feel as those thats taking the fun out of a sports car.
Lord mercy! Why are you so pissed off at everyone who put forth they would like a manual. I don't see why you predict me as a "keyboard warrior" and think that I'm "talking shit about people who are better off than me". But, you should realize a few things.
OK, sir before i contradict those accusations i would like to ask you a few questions of my own if you don't mind.
While your add it i would love for you to not only put a transmission in which I can change gears manually but a third peddle so i may release and activate gears MANUALLY, please.
Well it's better than.....
Another car that must endure the pain of their owners decisions. First their was the charger, then this. whats next, Owner "pimps out" his Mercedes 300 SL?
yea, imagine the success of Pontiac if that was the car they built.
I really do believe something like the Comanche Eliminator is a bit more offensive and a overall worse name then the Ferrari the Ferrari.
I still say this is better looking than the production azteck.
The Chevy volt, because their was no change in any of the claims made by Chevy about this car (230 mpg)