Lets just agree to disagree, and end it at that.
Lets just agree to disagree, and end it at that.
You must be new here, Get your grammar right, and don't insult the Maserati.
Sir,the fact that you just put out every single BS stereotype of a Texan/Southerner is just proof of why you can't argue. We do not hate the homosexual community (Just because a few people are A-holes, does not mean we don't love gays). We don't have rednecks (look more to the east). We have to clean our beaches after…
probably nothing, But I bet you that car will be stripped of parts 'till theirs nothing left in the next year or two.
A private seller is more likely to sell the car than watch it rot, while Playboy will likely not take care of their avert piece, and leave it as a public display of Detroit iron vs. the elements.
True, but why let a good one rot for the next owner to repair the mistake? it's just sad.
I've been looking to buy one for years! now all I need is a Dodge chevelle and a Ford Impala.
Well said.
a waste of (what appears to be) a perfectly good charger, that was horribly painted, and stuck on a concrete slab to rot.
Please elaborate sir, that was a terrible explanation. if your going to criticize something, at least put a reason in their.
Yes?? and your point is??
The singer is not comparable to the modification done to a lotus to make a venom, the Golden Gate Bridge has nothing to do with this arguement, nor do the multimillion dollar houses. Oh, and we still have 3 dollar gas and cheaper houses, nicer people, more jobs, and a severely better economy.
yes? and your point is???
More or Less, Their's only 3 things besides spending time with my family their that makes it worth going, Marconi, Peterson, and if you look hard enough, a untouched beach that you might be able to spend some time alone on, before some other family comes and ruins everything.
it's not that California is a bad state, it's just Texas is better.
Oh, and why is that?, I mean Texas has Hennessy, a economy that hasn't been hurt by the recession, Oh and 3 DOLLAR GAS!
Sir you have that the wrong way around, for Texas is 10,000x better than Cali.
5 minutes ago, I was piss off to the point of no return, But now sir, I applaud you for, 1. not spamming "no", and 2. for having a good explanation.
California cars and coffee may be nice, but do they have merkurs, Allantes, a viper powered '69 charger, and a Datsun 510 wagon?
Houston C and C for the win, beat that!
your acting like a seven year old. Is no the only word you can think of to respond to me?
How many speeding tickets have you gotten and how good did it feel?