The Terminator

OK, here you go!

100% efficiency - so is it a superconductor? 100% implies no losses, so we've invented a room temperature super conductor, yes or no?

Well it's a joke now, but it was both before you read it

schrödinger's cat both agrees and disagrees with your 'touché' statement.

My cat says 'touche'

That's either a really good physics question, a masters-level physics joke, or . . . both. Bravo, Terminator.

Yeah I can't watch this without profound sadness. Granted it was MANY years ago, but the simple thought of someone assassinating the President is depressing.

First of all, from the bottom of my heart, FU to everyone who's made jokes about this. I remember the day it happened, and it wasn't funny; not then and not now. Now that I've got that off my chest; that slow motion sequence is disturbing. I never noticed the blood spray, before.

What are you, bipolar or something?

I am attracted and repulsed at the idea of this, almost at opposite poles.

A whole store devoted to tape?
Wow, did they have gaffer's tape?

beep beep georgy

I hope tensions between Russia and China don't boil over.

Even as a guy with thinning hair I myself wonder if there aren't more important things for humankind to tackle?

Because it's absurd. And surrealistic. And feels like being in a Kubrick film.

No one is flying around on jet packs. No one. Stop trying to get clicks to other articles.

If Congress were actually and literally on fire, they couldn't cooperate long enough to pass a "Throw Water on Congress Act"

537 kilometres per second?! We just can't do it, Captain. We don't have the power!

Snowstorm? It's in LA.

Man, I cant believe you just discovered that movie. The more I see some of your posts, the more I realize how large that rock must have been you came out from under.