
Mine was MGS2. Funny thing is I stopped playing video games in high school because I couldn’t afford a PS2 back then, plus I was doing a LOT of aggressive inline skating back then (this was mid 90's to early 2000's). Over time I slowly got back into gaming when the PS3 dropped on the market. A friend suggested Metal

The guy always reminded me of Johnnycab:

let’s be real, even people found to be doing horrific things, who fight it and are found guilty end up with light sentences. Our society thinks it’s worse to steal a car than to violently destroy the sense of safety and self worth of a little girl. She’s going to carry a much longer sentence than he ever will.

Me trying to read this article past the Walking Dead advertisements:

The SNES version of Aladdin is unquestionably the better game. Not surprising  considering it was developed by Capcom (and Shinji Mikami). Anyone who think the Genesis version is better either hasn’t played the SNES game, or just looked at the visuals.

Strike the first sentence and I agree 100%. Movies are not to blame for behavior so much as a historical lack of having to pay for one’s own actions. Just like movies about serial killers don’t create more serial killers, F&F is just a movie franchise and should not be used to enable anyone to externalize anyone

I’m excited, Cobra Kai has no right being as good as it is, most of these older properties that are getting sequels years later fail. Dumb and Dumber 2, or whatever, Anchorman 2, Coming to America 2, getting the original cast back isn’t enough, you’ve gotta bring something new to the table, you can’t just try to,

Ah yes. The classic Cascading Failure. A thing that goes catastrophically wrong, causally linked to an endless chain of other Things That Go Catastrophically Wrong that all set off Even More Things That Go Catastrophically Wrong. Like a circular row of dominos, except each domino is an open oil drum filled with

If Disney was doing this to RDJr, you know the fanboys would be in his corner. 

Why are you mentioning the Rock?

Then don’t install a second SSD. Grab a portable USB drive and store that way until the PS5 with a 2TB SSD is released. Then buy that one.

So the largest streaming service as measured by total subscribers, revenue, content catalog, Emmy nominations, etc. is not a successful business model...okay then.   

I don’t think this is true at all. Pretty much every new TV these days is 4K. You get 4K TVs for a few hundred bucks. They’re already to the point of basically being commodities. We’re not in the early 2010s anymore - 4K is ubiquitous.

But they weren’t dead, and the island wasn’t purgatory. The flash sideways in S6 was set in the characters’ shared afterlives (and was a misstep, for sure), but the main island storyline had nothing to do with that.

What? Those games are made by Sony studios. Bethesda was a 3rd party studio making games that were multiplatform for decades. Even if Xbox owns them now they were not XBOX games and those games would have 100% hit Playstation consoles.

It is clear you do not understand the entire point of this article.

I own both consoles, so I’d hardly consider myself a fanboy, but Microsoft’s acquisition took dozens of IPs that have been on Playstation for decades and suddenly said “no more.”

I’m assuming most of the folks that are about to go maskless in Disneyland are liars.

Am I missing something? I see no connection other than the origins of the festival or party or whatever that would tie her to KKK leanings. If dumbass Black people wanted to join that bullshit, that’s of course their choice but I don’t see where she was personally connected to the KKK or even racism. I also think it’s

Thank you for your comment. 

This headline is just plain silly. No sane human being looked at that photo and thought, “Hmm. Joe Biden must be 8 feet tall.”