
Just as weird that in cutscenes, Cloud can pull off a bunch of anime bullshit and leap across buildings and shit.

Ingame, you can’t even climb up a box.

I heard that the Oakland Zoo was shutting down because someone fought a panda and left it unconscious. Definitely a case of Marshall Law.

I am not a fan of that DPAD redesign. I suppose it depends on how it feels in action but at first glance I am not excited about it. I liked the cross dpad that the Xbox One uses.  I thought they used player feedback to move away from that round DPAD but I guess not.

Should have been the lead photo.

Nick Perez

the second character to take on the mantle of Robin after Dink became Nightwing

I don’t remember signing a permission slip for that feels trip....

Auto update is way too hit or miss for me. I leave my PS4 in sleep and sometimes it updates and copies games and other times it doesn’t. 

Sir, this is an Arby’s.

Which overpriced brick and mortar retailer do you work for?

Really? For something that competes with decent gaming PCs and has exclusive games that are basically unmatched, over $400 is a bridge too far?

I find it ironic that they think gamers won’t pay for it when everyone regularly buys phones that are easily $700+

That’s a great point, because eventually you will get run over crossing the street regardless of whether you look................................... and it just might kill you

You can still get the flu even if you get a shot so i’m not sure what your point is 

Then shouldn’t they get the flu shot?

I have never gotten the flu shot as an adult and have never contracted the flu. Either my immune system is stronger than yours or I am patient Zero....

I am not an anti-vaxxer or anything. I dont believe the flu shot is full proof based on the way it is manufactured (based on what they think the strain will be, not

Every time I get the flu shot I feel disgusting for the next few days and end up taking time off work. Every time I don’t get it I feel fine and rarely get sick.

Sorry, but I’m not going to get a flu shot even if you shame me.
Let that sink in.

Wasn’t it the first major film to popularize “fast zombies”...?