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Awesome article Ash!!! Also if anybody is interested in some more background information surrounding Snake eater. The Codec did an excellent interview with Konami’s music producer Rika Muranaka back in 2015. I really enjoyed that interview back then, so it’s nice to finally get to learn more of the other half of the

Well Epic can use my simple ass victory dance as an emote for free when Apple wipes their butts in Court. That one will be on the house.

Yes this thing is all politics. They knew exactly what was going to happen and had they’re lawyers on standby. But at the end of the day even if Apple is wrong it’s their store and their rules. I can’t sue someone for not letting me in their house lol.

I remember when a bunch of black creators sued Epic over their dance moves because Epic stole, renamed, and charged money for their moves. Epic still never paid no one to my knowledge. So everyone feels bad for Epic now because they got kicked out the Apple Store!? Get the F out of here.....Don’t get me wrong I know

You must be blind if You don’t see those ads every other post, that weren’t there 4 years ago, so yes Facebook ruined instagram as the OP said.

I threw that thing out about 3 years ago lol

It wont work with my Pixel 2XL either! booooo

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Doublefine Prod did a “Dev’s Play” video a few years back that was awesome and goes into the difficulty of this game that I also never beat...Just kidding I used the Game informer cheat codes and beat it no problem, when I skipped to the last level and threw Scar off of Pride Rock lol. (Lion King Starts at 14min)

I can be 100% wrong, but I honestly don’t think this game would of shipped in May anyway even without the Covid-19 mass cancellations. I feel Naughty dog is using this as a convenience to not have to say the game is delayed again. Especially after that last article Jason wrote about the crazy crunching going on. When

Out of all the times You could of brought the Kotaku fish back Brian, this would of been the perfect time. I don’t want to see dude nips while drinking my coffee this early lol.

lol I hope you edit your post if/when it happens.

Wow this is the exact same plot of Dead set. Written by the creator of Black Mirror.

I also wanted to see a picture so speak for your self. It’s Monday morning ain’t nobody got time for googling this early.

I love how Sony is getting all the bad flack over this when they are the ones that have the rights to produce the spiderman movies. Disney on the other hand is built on greed as a company and literally wanted a 50/50 split for something they don’t even have the rights to. I’m sorry guys, but I’m with Sony on this one.

I’m glad she called the sheriff on this passenger and hope she would do the same to most of the “entitled people” in these comments. Just shut your mouth and put your headphones on until you get to your destination. There’s no need for stupid comments for a situation that the flight attendant can’t change.

Wow did Sony let Ken Kutaragi back on the design team lol.

And....waiting for Epic to implement this bug into fornite in a few seconds.

I heard this news the other day and wanted to die. I love my eero system, but will most likely be switching next year to something else. I recently switched to gigabit internet so that’s my main reason (eero only hits about 200mbps from each wireless node), but this is the nudge that will make me switch. I was a big

lol I literally just posted this. We are thinking alike on this one.

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Wow Epic games is really on that B.S. with that explanation. It sounds as ridiculous as the time Vanilla Ice tried to say “Ice ice baby” was distinctly different from Queen’s “Under pressure”, because it added a pause. Just PAY the man and everyone else they ripped off for these emotes and keep it moving.