
haha he said Tech N9ne, someone needs to expand their rap catalog...

I hope this gets rdio to adjust their prices. I pay $17.99 for me and my wife. $14.99 sounds alot better.


Now playing

Awesome comparison between the Canon G7X and Sony Rx100 III below. Gizmodo's review had me on edge but after watching this shoot-out I think I'm definitely leaning towards the Sony Rx100 III.

me...sounds more annoying then anything.

I never seen the movie The Road but this seems like a rip off of it.

yea chill dude!

#4 Don't be the only black guy in a cabin in the woods, chances are you get killed. I always go with another so chances are he'll die before me.

I also agree this was wack!

Yea this is a cool idea, until a bunch of drug addicts are in your living room...

How can she be playing while taking swigs of the sippy cup, while the camera is still moving around. I highly doubt she's playing. Which is probably why her hands are blocked in the whole video.

who said anything about needing extra controllers for this game?

You mad bro?...What's it matter you'll never be on the list. He's a billionaire no matter how you look at it now. hater

I actually like Scott B. a lot better than Max S. Max always came off a bit cocky to me, so I'm glad he's gone. Scott's videos I find are alot funnier too.

Basic math dude 1% out of 1,000,000 units sold is 10,000. Amazon doesnt even have close to 10,000 reviews on their site. Plus they didn't sale all 1 million. so no its not horse shit, plus mine works fine!

Yea this song sucks I think Leslie is just feeling "Some type of Way, some type of Wayyyyy!"

The PS3 actually does support PSX games. It has since it was released in 2006.

Wow that gun reminds me of a nerf gun can someone post that picture for me?

LOL at 53 seconds haha!