who said anything about needing extra controllers for this game?
who said anything about needing extra controllers for this game?
I actually like Scott B. a lot better than Max S. Max always came off a bit cocky to me, so I'm glad he's gone. Scott's videos I find are alot funnier too.
Basic math dude 1% out of 1,000,000 units sold is 10,000. Amazon doesnt even have close to 10,000 reviews on their site. Plus they didn't sale all 1 million. so no its not horse shit, plus mine works fine!
The PS3 actually does support PSX games. It has since it was released in 2006.
Wow that gun reminds me of a nerf gun can someone post that picture for me?
LOL at 53 seconds haha!
Already Preordered SONNNNNN!!!!!!
Logic Pro has been in the App Store for well over a year now and the Price reduced from its original $599 to $199, so I think it's quite the bargain.
I bet it's because the new xbox is always connected.
I thought this episode was pretty underwhelming also, especially coming from the mid season finale.
Because Rdio is 10x better. Actually all these new features spotify just got Rdio had already.
Dude your wrong. I'm thinking these new lensless glasses are a new fashion phase, even khols sells them: http://goo.gl/uOX5I
It's probably so they can hire Cliffy B, he was just at their offices lol.
That's nothing this go pro literally falls from space.
I don't think they have done alot to disprove those comments. But what they did do was just tailor all of the lastest demos on Joel and Ellie so that you can get the connection between these two characters and the survival aspect. The fungus zombie's will play a big part in this game. This is a naughty dog game after…
I have netflix, but pay for the current shows I watch through Amazon.
I agree Im out if tweetbot gets cut.
haha.. I hate this show the people always get duped by this guy.
If you follow Kojima on Twitter it's obvious he's working on something big. He's always tweeting about them doing motion capture on an unnamed title, so whether that is MGS5 or not we'll have to see. But I highly disagree that this new title is MGS5 only because last october at the tokyo game show konami announced…