
Well actually you can use any of these alternative names:

Call of Duty......and Call of Duty

Wow lol this is a throwback, I remember this commercial. Though the music sounds a bit different from what I remember. This commercial actually got me to buy this game for the Super NES. I still have it too somewhere lol.

This would be awesome I'm ready for a new Mac book pro.

Wow, I agree with all your reviews 100%. Uncharted 1 was a good game really loved the story and the surprises.

Ha! and most gamers say volent video games don't turn them into crazed psychopaths. But they're ready to crucify this woman over an interview that wasn't even that big of a deal. Here's a tip "Calm Down"...

I bet he'll be working at fake apple stores for 9 months tell Apple starts to trust him.

Wow! Joshua Topolsky gained some weight, I guess he is really on the Verge.

Debbie Reynolds the original auctioneer holder is actually the mother of Carrie fisher aka Princess Leia.

I sort of agree with you. MGS1 is my all time favorite game ever, and the sequels kind of didn't really hit the mark, though I still appreciate them for what they are. BUt at this point I wouldnt care if Konami scrapped Rising. I would love for a complete re-do of MGS1 though with PS3/PS4 graphics. Though We did kind

When I have kids I am so going to have them train in Psychokinesis instead of solving math and physics problems. Make them thinking telepathically.

Sorry but there was no mole in my copy of Mirror's Edge.

Kick! Punch! It’s all in the mind

Here we go again... When will Hollywood get a videogame movie right and actually use the same story as the game. I think this is a good reason movies based on videogames suck because the only thing that seems to be in common is the title of the game and nothing else or little else I should say. If Hollywood is just

Wow she looks horrible! sorry...the one I wanted, I didn't even vote on because the blonde one (this one) had so many votes, im assuming because the people who voted always likes the cliche' blonde girl in all they're games. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter because I play with broshep and anyone can

Yea I agree, last weeks news that HP was killing the touchpad shocked me more than this news, maybe because this kind of is Jobs 3rd time resigning..Though this time is seems to be the last.

Wow!!! was that Sayid from lost in the LEARN video, nice to see he's making a living on the island.

This is where we're all going when zombies attack!