
A he’s actually paying women more than he’s paying men, on average. But pay equity for him, I suspect, is far less important than economic equity, which is where he really puts his money. For years he’s been one of the people on capital hill to pay interns, and I belive his campaign is paying many postions that are

That’s absolutely true... I think American Airlines recently upgraded all of their planes to paperless cockpits with ipads for maps. Might be worth is to throw something like this video on them ... though to be fair, has there ever been a situation where both pilots were a passager had a to take over?

Flipping quarters isn’t how she got that margin, she got that margin my mobilizing her base in a big way. The quarters ***might*** have given her a delegate out of the 44 but that’s not the point. Hillary went out and declared victory before it was clear which was a black eye on her, then he goes off and starts

Dude, I love Bernie, but you’re what they talk about when they say Bernie Bros are giving him a bad name. Coin flips are responsible for something around a third of one of 44 delegates. That’s not fraud, that’s the way the law is written and the way caucuses have been run in Iowa for a very long time. If there is a

I do wish Bernie would have conceded a bit earlier, though I was also rather off put by her making a victory speech with it so close, so I don’t know if either came out good in the timing department. I don’t want to be lumped in with the crazy Bernie Bros, because they do give us supporters of him a bit of a bad name,

I’m wondering if any of these scientists have every been to the ocean before. I grew up in Alaska and anything that was floating in the water for more than a few weeks would have barnacles on it. If it was a light object in waves I’m sure it would have flipped over several times even if it was on the surface allowing

To be fair, Apple has been killing my wallet for about 15 years now.

I'm sure there are plenty of sitting politicians who are aware of that fact ... they just aren't Republicans....

If you got rid of all the republicans I bet the remaining police force would be pretty stellar.

Why do gun rights activists always seem to see the need to pose with their firearms? You don't see gay rights activists posing with their peinis up another guy's butt. Yet, who is said to be rubbing everyone's nose in their cause?

Seriously guys ... how did you ever learn anything about football if you were suck in you lockers all through the games?

Seriously... This is how I've always gotten to Eve.

I got Morgan 3 Wheeler! Sorry Volt :-/

As a professional writer I don't understand how you could have f*d this up as royaly as queen. Language is a such a constant with words having specific never changing meanings. It is such a queer thing that you didn't fully understand all the possible interpretations of a word before you used it. Religious use of the

To be fair, that does look a heck of a lot like Bill Compton.

Search results almost are the public record about someone, especially someone with unique name. There is no confusion about if a search result is about me or the other The_Recession_is_Over (my parents were economists). So while I'm not sure if it rises to the level of a human right, it really is great to think that

Faked his own death over scams that netted him less than $50k .... I kinda don't see it. Unless there is a lot more that hasn't been reveled. If he owns a boat dealer, he's likely got a few million in inventory. Maybe it's too many master con-man movies but I feel like you've got to get at least a few million in

The secret code to getting HBO without Cable TV is to not get telephone with your internet and to not get 200 channels? Oh! Click bait. Sorry forgot the point of this article for a second. When I got Comcast cable in Philly about four years ago, this was advertised on the front page of their website ... now they

Statue of Liberty is French ... which ironically the the opposite of liberty ... because of socialism.

Hahaha ... That's what I've been saying! Never been so proud to own a Sabb! Built from jets!